Monday, February 5, 2007

Monday Madness!

It was busy, but definitly an all around good day for all of us.

I got my workout in, and the house was cleaned. I did two loads of laundry, and I started with my kitchen floor scrubbing project. My goal is to do as many squares as possible in 15 minutes. You can definitly tell where I scrubbed and what hasn't been scrubbed yet. Yuck! How embarrassing!
At the rate I am going though - the floor should all look good by Friday. Then I can just maintain it until the big day.
We went and ran errands the grocery store we discovered that they nolonger carry sun dried tomato turkey breast. One of our indulgances at 8.99 a pound. My Hongo will be sad to hear it.
Then we went to Target and picked up our Valentines for park day Thursday. Man, I am really wishing for some kind of break in between events. Yes, I know that I have the option of not participating, but the kids really like it. Plus LegoQueen has such horrible memories of the last V-day party when she was in school, that I just do it and try to grin and bear it. For those of you who haven't heard the story:
LegoQueen was in first grade and not doing well socially in her class. The kids picked on her a lot. Valentine's Day fell on a Friday, which meant her birthday was Saturday. I asked the teacher if we could have a little celebration, andhe told me to bring some cupcakes to the party. I did, and I brought my almost 2 year-old in a stroller and my 6 month old in his sling. Even with my hands full I helped serve kids who wanted cake and punch and cookies. It came time for the class to sing to LegoQueen, so the teacher told her to stand at thefront of the room. He put a crown on her head and started singing "Happy Birthday" I started singing too. But no one else did. It looked like LegoQueen was in seventh heaven, but as the teacher kept prodding the class "Come on - everyone sing!" the smile on her face started to fade. I wanted to cry for her and I was so angry that I wanted to line up all the kids and kick them in the teeth. I am sooo mean!
She touts it as "The worst Valentines' Day ever!" and so when it comes around, it carries both a happy and sad feeling with it. Last year we participated in the park day celebration. She was sooo happy because she was with her buddy Erich the whole day, yet it was sad because her grandparents flaked on her and didn't bring her cake or balloons to the park like they promised.

Sooooooo - enough of that. This year is going to be great, because I am hosting her party, I have a backup plan for the cake, AND I am not even going to tell her that her grandparents may come for her party. I am taking care of everything, because let's face it - if you want something done RIGHT, ya gotta do it YOURSELF.

We also went to pick up the pictures for the cheer competition that are going to be featured in the local community center. I wish they were better, but I am not equipped to shoot indoor sports. I dropped those off and signed my two little kids up for T-Ball. I can't wait!

I also tried to do that photo shoot of LegoQueen that I was talking about. She was awfully difficult, and I was getting frustrated, and by the time she loosened up the light was all wrong. We'll have to try again.

On to other news.....
Tonight we went to Costco, and I had to renew my membership. I saw this guy in front of me leaning over the counter, and he looked over at me. It was like I was looking into my very own eyes. It was WIERD! He stood up, and that sealed the deal - he's a giant!
It was my uncle! My dad's older brother. His eyes are the same as mine - he got his from his dad, my dad got the same ones, and they were passed on to me! You can't mistake it! He kept looking over at me, and finally he pointed at me and said "are you who I think you are?" and I said "Yes!"
I haven't seen him since before i had LegoQueen, so at least 11 years. We spent a good amount of time catching up. I introduced him to my Hongo, and our three children. I wish we had more time, but we WERE inside of Costco, so we exchanged umbers and email addys, hugged and went our separate ways.
He feels the same way i do about my dad, and I think I really felt more comfortable with him because he wouldn't judge me for the stance I have taken in regards to speaking with my dad.
He's still rich too, so I told him that I wouldn't say no to an adoption, LOL!

Well, that was more excitement than I can handle for the night. I am off to take a nice hot bath.

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