Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The firehouse....

Today we went to the firehouse. DramaQueen had a good time - The Hairy One...not so much. He was scared most of the tour because there was a dude following them from room to room. He said the man was scary-looking. There were times when he tried to be brave, but the final straw was when he went in the fire engine. He thought they were going to drive away with him. And the dude was the one helping the kids out of the engine after they got their picture taken. Poor Hairy had tears starting in his eyes.
But the kids got little hats, pencils, and a badge. The Hairy One wanted to wear his to his game.
Speaking of the game, I had a grand total of 7 kids show up. So did the other team. It was windy and the dirt was kicking up. My kids were miserable. But I kept them entertained by jumping and screaming and giving high fives. Needless to say, I am tired.
Tomorrow we are going to a local park so that I can walk the track with some moms. I promised LQ that afterwards I would take her to the field to practice some more. We tried to do some today, but the Hairy One got hit in the mouth with a ball thrown by DramaQueen and so I had to rush and get him ice. Then we saw a girl wandering around looking lost - turns out she was 2 hours early for her game, and mom had just dropped her off. So I let her use my phone so she could call Mom to get her to come back. By that time, my team started arriving.

I should probably crawl into bed now - I have earned it.

Once a week....

I am going to make it my goal to post something. So here goes:

We have been busy as usual - lots of softball to play and places to take the kids. Last night LegoQueen had a game. It was bad. They should have won, but the girls just couldn't do it. The other team had luck on their side. LQ hit a hard one right at the shortstop and she closed her eyes and stuck out her glove and caught it. The coach was very frustrated - he took the girls aside after the game and talked to them. Some of the parents were mad. It was 9:30 at night and they wanted to get their kids home to bed.
I asked LQ what he said, and she said "Something about if the older girls weren't going to play well and hit - they were going to be benched." LOL I guess he lost her attention after about 5 minutes.
He told all the girls to come to the field today to practice, but my Pee-Wee team has a game, so LQ won't be there.

So now LQ has decided that she really wants to improve, and is willing to work hard. So yesterday I took her out and we worked on her fielding for about an hour. Today she wants to go back out, but we are going to the fire station for a field trip and then the library. Then the little ones have that game I was talking about.

Now that DramaQueen has turned 7, she brings a whole lot more to the table. She is constantly picking on her siblings and then she whines when they do it back to her. For a while, they were all ignoring each other by saying "Who said that?" whenever one of them would speak. Then the ousted one cries and says "THEY AREN'T LISTENING TO ME!!!!"
My kids have also decided that its okay to walk off whenever they want. Last Saturday I was trying to keep score and DQ walked off to the other field to see if one of her friends was playing. Last night she and her brother were told not to go to the park, and when I got up to throw trash they snuck off. Oh boy, was I MAD! And then of course I got mad at myself because I have become too engrossed in the game and I trust that they are sitting next me, when they are really sneaking off to go play. I need to keep a closer eye on them.

The weather is getting warmer, so we are just trying to keep cool and enjoy it. Today is supposed to be cooler than yesterday, so I will take it! Let me ease into the fiery temperatures!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Bean!

She is all dressed up 4 the occasion!

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tired of whining...

I had to send DramaQueen to her room. Before I ended up spanking her. All day she has whined. LegoQueen looks at her funny - she whines. The Hairy One picks up something that she was using - she whines. I was trying to talk to my neighbor this morning and the Hairy One interrupted me 4 times in 10 minutes to ask if he could sit in the car. I told him he was welcome to sit in his room in time out for being so rude.
I just got back from the grocery store. It was awful. My son would not sit in the cart properly. He wanted to ride on LegoQueen's back. I put the grocery ad next to him and while I was picking out meat, he pulled it all apart and there were papers everywhere. meanwhile dramaQueen is dancing in the aisle and LegoQueen is grabbing her and trying to make her stop. Thus, more whining. "Let me GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
I decided to cut my losses and went straight to the checkout. I look in my purse and there is no ATM card. I can't find it anywhere. I know I put it back when we left the bank today. The kids were asking for candy since its sitting right there. I was getting frustrated.
I had to tell the cashier not to ring up the dog food - I only had enough cash to pay for the meat. It was so embarrassing. She said I could go get my ATM card and come back. I was so flustered I handed her all of my cash and went to the car. We looked everywhere for the card. I had to go back and have her re-do the sale and give me my change. Again - so embarrassing.
I walked back to the car...and LegoQueen is holding my card. It was in my wallet, but it had slipped behind my drivers license. "Mommy, is this the one you were looking for?"
*sigh* The dogs don't need the food badly enough for me to show my face back in the grocery store tonight.

I told the kids we were supposed to go to their friend's house tomorrow. But with the way they are acting, they had better straighten up or we won't go. It's supposed to be a lot of fun too.

Oh, and no one had better ask me to be available anytime this week. I have got to learn to say no to things that are not benefiting me or my children. I have no openings. Tomorrow we are booked - friends in the morning and softball in the evening. Thursday we are booked - park in the morning, softball in the evening. Friday I am booked with my friends in the morning and then I am booked with Hongo for the evening. Don't even think about the weekend Try me next week.!!!