Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I just might make it....

with my painting progress, that is.

I woke up this morning to a clean house - well, except for the loft. too many valentines left in there. ANyway, I got up and did my workout. It was very easy - the focus of the day was flexibility. So after my workout I went around and just kind of picked up wherever.
I got LegoQueen set up with her lessons and I told the little ones that they could play. It was going to be one of those "take it easy days." Except for me. I tried - I really did.
I decided to let myself paint with just ONE can of paint. Babysteps, right? right. So I got out my electric roller, some tape, and the can of paint.
I started it up and it began leaking everywhere- especially on the carpet. I was screaming for LegoQueen to bring me an old towel, and trying to turn the dang thing off. I got a ton on the carpet. *sigh* , and my sock, and my sweats (but thankfully they are really old) So once I took it apart and put it back together CORRECTLY, we were in business. Can I just say I love my
electric roller? Makes the job go fast and gives great results. I really should have used it when I did Hairy Boy's room. The paint goes on nice and even.
It took me two hours, and then all the paint in the can was gone. I told LegoQueen to make lunch and I took the thing outside to clean it. All I had to do was plug the garden hose into it and turn it on. The water runs through all the hoses. I have to buy another roller pad, because they really aren't worth the effort to clean and use again. But in the future, I will use more than one paint can so that I can get maximum use out of that roller.
So the upstairs walls are complete, and half the stairway. It looks really nice - it give the house that "new" look, IMO.
That leaves the downstairs to do. I estimate three more cans to do that, and I hope to have that on Saturday. I'll have my Hongo prep the house while I am at softball tryouts, and then I will come back and do as much as I can. If I finish, that means we can paint trim on Monday before we take Drama Queen to the dr down the hill for her shots. I will have Tue, Wed to finish the trim.

My funny story for the day:
Hairy Boy had all of his plastic tools stuffed in his pants pockets. All he needed was to show some crack and he could have passed as a contractor, lol. Anyway, he was looking around for stuff to "fix" When I didn't find anything for him to fix, I later found him with the dog cornered, and he was "fixing" the dog! "I fixing Hayden, Mommy. He's broken."

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