Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Not enough french fries....

You know, when you buy the $1 fries at McDonalds they certainly don't give you many!

Its been a terrible day. I got the appt all set up for DramaQueen, and I figured I would leave 15 minutes before the appt time so we would have plenty of time.

I went out to my car, turned it on, and "LOW TIRE PRESSURE" was blinking back at me. Ugh - I had noticed one of my tires was a little low yesterday and I forgot to put air in it when I got home. I got out of the car, looked, and ......the tire was FLAT! So flat, that I feared it might not be ablet o be repaired.
I got out my pump and while it was filling, I called Hongo. I got on my hands and knees and looked for a nail or something. I found it. A piece of metal jammed in the tread.


If I could *just* get it to fill with air, I would go to the dentist and then to Sears Auto at the mall.

We made it to the appt - albeit we were late. I am SO frustrated with this dentist office - I swear after DQ has her cavity filled by the pediatric dentist next week - we are out of that place. They took x-rays, I SHOWED them the tooth and the bruising. The dentist comes in, looks in DQ's mouth and says "Looks like she broke it off." She completely missed the BLOODY tooth next to it!!!!!! The broken one is from a previous fall, and its getting repaired next week with the cavity.
I pointed it out, and she said "oh - you're right, that one does have bruising" Grrrrr.

Then, she asked how it happened. And you know, I didn't really like the questions she was asking, and the way she was looking at the dental assistant when I answered. I think they thought I popped DQ in the mouth! What saved me, I think, was when Hairy Boy piped up and said his head still hurt from where DQ's teeth hit it.
I admit, I spank my children when they are really bad, but I would NEVER, EVER hit them in the face. I don't even like spanking them all that much.

We got to go home, we were told that DQ's roots are still really long, and there are no adult teeth in sight. Which means she better hang on to this tooth, because another one isn't coming for a while. I remember taking LegoQueen to the dentist once and the xrays showed 4 adults teeth neatly lined up above her top baby teeth. The baby teeth had no roots, but were in there tight, lol.

Anyway, after that we drove slowly to Sears to get the tire fixed and be price gouged. $22 dollars to fix the tire - OMG! But it was at the mall, and with 3 kids in tow I wasn't going to care. I had a moron lady help me (which makes me sad, because she gives us females who have worked in a "man's department" a bad name) She asked if I bought the tires there. I told her "no, these are stock tires" She got snotty and said " But did you buy them HERE?" and I told her "NO- they came with the vehicle! Factory tires!" and added a "DUH" in my head.

Can you just see my face now?

The mall has a nice play area - they hid it in the food court because they know I never go in there. The kids had fun - even Hairy Boy, despite a 2 year old child hitting him in the head with his hands and then his Thomas the Tank Engine trains. HB didn't even cry, I guess it didn't hurt too much. After that incident, we left and ate McDonald's food. Not enough fries.

Now we are home. I am going to doze on the couch while the kids play Mario Party. I am tired and cranky and I really want to be in a positive mood with my kids this afternoon and for tonight's practice. Stress is not good for the body and soul.


Anonymous said...

This line cracked me up, Kim: " I don't even like spanking them all that much."

So there is a part of you that LIKES it??

He he. But I knew what you meant.

Elias has a dead tooth. It stopped growing and is much higher up than his other front tooth. It turned gray for a long while but then the gray went away for some reason. The dentist told us not to worry about it (before the growth-stop was apparent)but I'm now scared it will affect the alignment of his adult seems like it's about where the adult teeth should be now. (Check out his pic.) I'm taking him to see the dentist again this summer to see if the opinion has changed.

Kim said...

LOL - thank goodness you "know" me, and therefore knew what I meant! I can see where it can be interpreted differently.

I will check out Elias's picture - I know at this age there is a lot of growing going on, and I tend to obsess about these types of things.