Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We are contenders....

After practice tonight, I have serious thoughts that we are going to take 1st place this year. The girls were just awesome - I couldn't stop saying nice things about them, The phrase "GOOD JOB" got used about a gazillion times. However, we COULD use a little less laziness from one of the wait - two girls. But, I digresss - the girls are totally pumped, stoked, whatever about tomorrow's game.

Speaking of tomorrow - its gonna be busy. I have to make dinner BEFORE I leave for the park in the morning, becuase there will not be a lot of time between coming home from park and heading off to the field. Probably just enough time to pop dinner in the oven and set the timer, bathroom break, and change of clothing.
I am soooooo looking forward to park tomorrow. WHEEEEEE! I am squealing with excitement. I get to go sit and relax....possibly knit. Its just gonna be a good day - I can feel it.

Since I won't have a lot of time tomorrow - I better get up and clean the kitchen before I go to bed. I already made the kids clean their rooms, threatening them with NO park if they weren't done, lol.

1 comment:

Sancy said...

Good luck with the game!!!!