Friday, March 16, 2007

Good job, me!

Tonight we are playing with the Wii. Our family was bowling, and I told DramaQueen "Good Job B!" Dramaqueen said "Good job, Daddy!" and LegoQueen said "Good job H!" and then Hairy Boy said "Good job, ME!"
Just a LITTLE competitive, ya think???

Its been WARM here, lately! Yesterday we got burned at the park, so this morning I made sure we went grocery shopping early in the day before LegoClub. I thought I lost my keys in the grocery store, and instead I had just grabbed the wrong set.

LegoClub was nice - even though we only got to stay for about an hour. Hongo came home early, so we met him at the house. We ordered pizza for dinner - oooh my lucky night!

The thing that bugged me about today is a phonecall I got from the little league coordinator. She was calling to let me know that there is a team parent meeting tomorrow. Hey - thanks for the notice. I JUST happened to get a mom to be my team parent on Wednesday. However, I have been doing the job for the past two weeks. I have already ordered my banner and squared away all the details. I already made the team phone list, and all I need is a schedule so that I can map out snack schedules. I guess I'll let her do that, lol. my team mom is Mr. SA's wife.
Anyway, the coordinator was not happy that I told her I might not have someone there, and she said all my paperwork had to be turned is TOMORROW. Well, if I'm not there tomorrow, I guess you'll have to WAIT! What a concept. Instead of harping on parents who already donate a lot of time to the league, why not start harping on parents who DON'T?

Tomorrow we might go to the ILs house for BBQ. Its much cooler there than we are here. Driving home from LegoClub @3:45 it was 92 degrees. MIL said it only got up to about 73 ar her house.

Hongo is making his "manuscript" comments again....good night!

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