Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Not another one!

Today DramaQueen woke up and kept repeating "I don't feel good, Mommy" WAH! Not another kid sick! Actually, if Hairy Boy's experience is any an indication of what to expect with this virus, Drama Queen should be well at about noon tomorrow.
It seems to be a 48 hour thing - spiking high fever, thirst, and loss of appetite. Drama Queen was feeling better as of 3pm - she was chasing her brother around the house and trying to climb into the dryer. *sigh* That is life in this house.

ooooh I just found a red Starburst on my desk that was lost and forgotten. I hope its still good. Can you tell we have no candy in the house?

Oh wow - there are like 12 of them back there. And YES - they are still good!

Anyway - today I was sluggish. Blame it on swinging a bat for an hour yesterday. My shoulder blades and torso are sore. I tried to stay in bed, but I just couldn't get comfy. So with my achiness and Drama Queen's apparent sickness, we didn't go out today. I stayed in my room watching over her and reading a Star Wars novel. I finished it too! Poor Hongo - he needs to buy me more SW books!

I tried meditation today, something to help me clear my thoughts and sort through my feelings. I think having quiet time to myself and remembering my dad how *I* want to remember his is totally helping me out. His funeral was a week ago yesterday. I am looking forward to spreading his ashes this Saturday for some closure.

Another Dad memory:

You remember when the first Batman movie came out? Dad was all over it. He saw it in theater, and then he bought the video tape and the soundtrack. I remember his favorite line in the movie, when Joker looks up in the sky and says "It's the BATMAN!" After that, everytime he would pick me up for our regular Sunday meeting, I'd get in the truck and he would say "It's the BATMAN!" No Dad, I don't look anything like Batman.

Dad liked movies, especially sequels or trilogies. That included Back to the Future, RoboCop, Beverly Hills Cop, Star Wars. But he totally caught heck from me about his most beloved series.....Planet of the Apes.
Seriously, how many of these movies were made? At least 5:
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1969)
Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
That doesn't include the TV series and the cartoon series.
My cousins and I would sit around an make up titles for future Planet of the Apes movies, and Dad would laugh at us.

Damn dirty apes....

Stay tuned for my next installment - the eery resemblence between my dad and I. In the meantime - check out my dad's slideshow. the link is to the right, above the archives.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful slide show Kim! Now I see why your so tall! I loved the pictures of little Kim too! {{HUGS}}

Kim said...

Thanks! You are too sweet!
And yes, everyone is tall in his family. Except for the one short aunt - evil stunted her growth.