Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still waiting....

After speaking with a few people today, it looks like we will have an answer by tomorrow morning. They are supposed to decide this afternoon, but they won't tell us until tomorrow.

I've been trying to focus on other things....yesterday it was raining when we got up (okay - it was SPRINKLING) and so we didn't go to the park. I checked on a couple of orders that I had placed last week, and visited a few forums. We did go to a friend's house so that I could take some more pictures of her little boy. He was TIRED! He fell asleep while I was there. I knew she should have let him nap and we could have come later in the day.

Oh well.

LegoQueen and the oldest daughter hid away in her bedroom, it was a nice retreat for both of them who have to deal with younger people in the house.

Then after lunch we went to the library as a treat for the kids. But LQ threw a fit when I asked her to take her brother to the drinking fountain, so the treat ended right there and LQ went home empty handed. No books - and she cried all the way home.

She is starting up with the attitude again, and I told her that if she didn't watch it, I was going to make her sit in the car at Park Day this week. Oh how cruel.....

Speaking of Park...I just remembered that I need to bake cookies for the potluck. Oops!

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