Friday, May 18, 2007

Crazy kids!

My kids had to go to bed without dessert today! They were THAT bad!

They've been fighting a lot this week, but i have found that if they stay away from each other, they are okay.

Well, today was Lego CLub and I told the two little ones "Bring something to play with so you don't bother the older kids" DQ brought her bear that she made at a friends birthday party 2 weeks ago, and HB brought his lightsaber. Real nice - those were not things I had in mind, but they spent so much time mulling over what to bring, that we were running late.

HB was bad - I caught him throwing a Lego at one of the boys. So I stopped him and put him in time out, facing the wall. He was fighting back his tears, and I was so embarrased. On the way home, he said he wanted the boys to like him. *sigh* poor kid. He's only 4, and he adores older boys so much, but he's too little to play with them. Everywhere we go, he's usually the littlest one. Softball games - all the kids are older, Lego Club - all the kids are older, or he plays with DQ and her friends, Park Day - there is ONE little boy who he really gets along with, but that is dependent on if his mom brings him to the park. yesterday HB was fighting with another boy who is 7, I think. HB wanted to play keep away, and the older kid was on top of him, trying to get whatever it was that HB had. Even on his own T-Ball team, he is the smallest.

Despite his size, people are SO good to him.

Anyway, after we got home and had dinner, we set out to find me a new softball glove. Mine is missing. I discovered it Wednesday night after the game, we were playing catch and I couldn't find it.
I looked at Hongo and I was holding back my tears, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Its just a glove - a really old, 16+ year old glove that still had my maiden name on it. It didn't have any padding and it was really cheap.

Why the heck would i want that old thing?

Well, because my dad gave me that glove. He bought it for me, and you know that softball was "our thing" It was the thing that kept us semi-bonded, and it had sentimental value. I don't think Hongo will ever understand how much it means to me.

So I have a new glove now, but I'm still holding out hope to find the old one, even if it means I lock it away somewhere.


Sancy said...

I'm so sorry, I sure hope the glove turns up somewhere! :( I will give you good thoughts in hopes of a reunion! :) My kids were awful yesterday too, must be something in the air!

Kim said...

It must have been in the air, Sancy!

Today they were REALLy good - they really want dessert!

Shannon said...

i am so sorry about the glove. sending finding vibes.