Sunday, January 28, 2007

Not feeling well....

Yesterday's dizziness and weak feeling followed me into today. I woke up at 7, but in order to be nice and let everyone else sleep in, I stayed in my bed and snuggled my Hairy Boy until about 8:30. He decided that he wanted eggs (he's going to turn into an egg!) but I realized that I only had two left because I passed on buying more Friday night. WHY DID I DO THAT????
So I convinced him that we should wake up everyone else and have pancakes with bacon for breakfast, which we did, and I am sure the others were grateful that they received the benefit of the last two eggs, ha ha.
While washing the breakfast dishes, I just didn't feel right. And when I would walk, I felt like I was going to fall. My right leg gave out on me twice, and I stumbled.
My Hongo wanted to drive me straight to the hospital. But what are they going to say "Hey lady, you have no balance, go home."


Since I refused the trip down the hill, I was banished to the couch to sit. But I managed to sneak in a load of laundry and some pick-up. My Hongo had enough of my defiance - he put me in my room and made it really dark and told me to take a nap. How could I refuse? My body felt exhausted.
I woke up, and since no one in the house can cook but me, my husband went out and foraged for food. He went to McDonald's. Such a man.

I talked to my mother in law on the phone about LegoQueen's birthday party. Then I took a bath, and now I am being drilled about my well-being. No, I'm not feeling like I am going to fall down, and no I don't feel weak. I feel tired though - which is unusual since I just woke from a nap 3 hours ago.

I did notice in the bath that I still have a large bruise on my knee, from about a week ago when we were moving kid furniture. Its getting bigger. So I took some iron, and hopefully the reason I have been feeling the way I do is due to low iron. My skin is also super itchy.

I'm just falling apart at 29.

So I got NOTHING done today. Tomorrow I hope for a better day, because lets face it - I can't be out of commission so close to LegoQueens' party. I have invites to make, planning to do, dentist issues to take care of (yesterday Lego Queen bit into a piece of chewy candy and out came a filling- great timing) and regular stuff that will pile up on me if I let it.

Going to sleep now.......

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