Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Day back at Softball....

Today was our first game of the season. We kicked a$$. Something like 20-1. We had a lot of fun, we played against a team where we pretty much know all the players, and the manager of it is the husband of one of our players.
Yesterday I popped my hip out of joint while putting on my pants (sad, I know) so moving today was difficult and painful.
After talking to a few of my teammates, we all pretty much have the goal of getting in shape. One gal is already super-buff, so she is our leader. Myself and the first baseman want to develop better upper body strength, and the other gal wants to lose some weight and build muscle. So we are going to stick together and share our progress on weights.
I have been working on strength training, but results are coming by slowly. Of course, I am still stuck on drinking 2 Pepsi a day, but my goal is to get rid of that habit and go back to drinking water.
I used to NEVER drink soda. I might have one if I was eating at my in-laws, or with Thanksgiving Dinner, but that was it. I think I picked up the habit after the Hairy One was born. Three kids, especially one that would never sleep at night, just took a toll on me.
No excuses for it now, except that it is just an addiction. My son is 6 now. So its time to kick the habit.
I generally track my progress via how my clothes fit instead of numbers on the scale. So I won't have any numbers to count down...just measurements on the arms, chest, and waist.
I did lose 5 pounds when I did my recent cleanse, so now is a good time to start fresh.
Tomorrow I will buy a new curling bar, since I have a ton of weights in the garage, just no bar.

Back to the game, I got on base 4 times, but only 2 actual hits. The other two times the other team made an error. So I am pleased.

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