Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Can this day get any better??

It probably could, but let's not get greedy now!

I knew yesterday that I was going to have a full day today. I scheduled someone to come out and give me a quote on a security system (which was DUMB of me to schedule at noon - the kids' lunch hour!) and I also have more grocery shopping to finish.

Well, this morning I was cleaning downstairs and the kids wanted to go to the park. I looked around and figured that the only other thing I needed to do was sure - we could go to the park.
We get to the park and that lady from Monday and her girls were there. So I sat down and we chatted while the kids played. Then her daughter showed us that her bike tire went flat. Uh-oh! SO I asked the park guys if they had a pump, and they didn't. So I drove home, got our pump, went back and pumped the girls tire. Otherwise they were going to have to walk home, and they don't live too terribly close to that park.
We came home and waited for the security guy to come. Turns out - its a lady!
I invited her in, and she was really easy to talk to. I think the reason I bought one is because I felt more at ease asking my questions. So I was able to get all the information I needed, and able to make a decision.
We're getting a security system and the kids are excited, and Hongo is excited ( don't believe me? well, trust me - he IS) I don't really care either way. But Hongo has been buggin me for a while to have one put in, so I guess I'm excited that he won't pester me anymore.

Now my house is clean, and the installers are going to come tomorrow. Which means we may be late for park (major bummer)

Now that I have written this out, I think that it doesn't sound all that great. But beleive me - it is. I feel great today. Plus the kids are playing outside and are being nice to eat other. I get to finally eat my lunch in peace!

1 comment:

bmarin said...

Now that you are going to have an alarm system, don't forget to use it. Umm. Like the time we forgot to turn it on when our house was broken into.