Monday, August 20, 2007

A birthday, a burn, and a busy week.....

Let's start with the birthday...

Saturday was the Hairy One's birthday. He is FIVE! The kid has more money than I do! LOL! We had the ILs over on Saturday. We went to Olive Garden and it was BLAH. My MIL found plastic wrapped up in her fork. SOMEONE had to have seen that when they were wrapping it in the napkin.
Hairy was pleased with his gifts. Lots of Legos, and now he sits in his room and "builds" like his sister and her friends do. He's hoping it gives him some "street cred" with the older boys so that they will allow him in their presence, LOL!

On to the burn...

LegoQueen burned her wrist this afternoon. We were at the park with some friends, and at the last minute we decided to go to an area that has a pretend beach. Some other moms were going to meet there too.
Well, LQ was fixing her lunch and she was trying to hurry and wasn't paying attention. She ended up pouring boiling water over her wrist. She screamed and she was trying to hold onto the bowl at the same time. I took it away and she had her arm tucked towards her. I had to wrestle her for the arm to put under the sink and start running cool water over it.
It didn't look too bad, and so I figured it was not serious. We ended up not going to the beach thing because the other moms couldn't go. So we came home and I noticed her arm was swelling pretty badly. I took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to Hongo. then I sent it to his mom, who sent it to his dad. So we were all on the phone debating on if we should take her in to the hospital or not.
We ended up not going - Hongo came home early and he wrapped it up really well.
She's not in pain, but its definitly going to leave a scar. Tough lesson learned.

Its another busy week. Tomorrow will be our relaxing day - kinda. I have a lot of phone calls to make. One of the guys can't do the men's softball team, so we have been trying to find a replacement all weekend. I have found that I know a lot more men than I really care to, lol! Wednesday my friend is coming over to do pictures, Thursday is Park, and Friday we are having people over to celebrate the Hairy One's birthday. Then on Sunday we are having a scrimmage (providing there is a team still) and then heading over to a BBQ.

Guess I'll clean tomorrow since there won't be time for it any other day this week!


Sancy said...

Ouch! Poor LQ!! I sure hope it heals fast and doesn't leave too much of a scar! {{HUGS}}

Anonymous said...

Get thyself to BJ's and get something with calendula and or aloe in it for that burno- it will really help!

LaMamaPanchita said...

awww poor LQ,yea I keep a pot of Aloe Vera always its so good for burns and even for sunburns too!Boy your a busy woman,haha,see ya soon.