Monday, March 3, 2008

Oh did it again....

*sigh* what am I going to do with myself?

I got hit with a ball again yesterday. This time my calf. I was playing first and Hongo threw the ball and I didn't get both legs out of the way fast enough. He was making terrible throws, and in the first inning I was yelling at him from across the field. Someone even yelled "Looks like the honeymoon is over for those two!"
Well the reason I was so pissed off at him was because in the very first inning I hit the ball and when they were trying to get me out, the shortstop made a bad throw and hit the first baseman in the mouth. I grabbed her and steered her straight to the dugout because you could see the blood coming from her mouth. Turns out her tooth went through her lip.
So naturally I was a little on edge, having been in the mouth before.
I can't even post a picture, everyone would cringe and call me insane, lol.

So ANYWAY....we had a good weekend. LegoQueen went to the movies with her friends to see the SpiderWick Chronicles. She said it was pretty good, but she ended up with a headache because the movie theater is so loud. Afterwards we went to the birthday boy's house for cake and presents.
Then on Sunday we had softball - we stayed all day and then some. We played two games and then watched the other two. Then Hongo played baseball after that with his friends. I was beat, so we had In-N Out for dinner.
We never managed to get to the sporting goods store for the equipment that LegoQueen needs, so that will have to be done some time this week.

This week I hope it is less chaotic than last week. Hopefully we will fall into a good routine and things will go smoothly. Speaking of which, I had better check on the kids and their lessons....


Carleigh said...

Sorry about that, Kim, but I kind of like to be grossed out! I wanna see. :)

Kim said...

LOL! you are so funny! Okay - I will post one for you...