Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Ravelry - 6888 people in front of me.....still moving along.....can't wait....paralyzed with anticipation....

Not too paralyzed to get going today, though. We had a busy day today. First of all I was on the phone and sending email back and forth all morning that we didn't get out of the house until after 10am. We went to Target and had to circle the store several times so I could get everything on my list. I forgot my returns in the car...DANG!
Then we went to drop off something at my friend's house, and she was on the phone and one of her daycare babies was ready to leave out the front door. you could see it in her eyes, lol! So I picked the little girl up and carried her to the dining room so that I could make a fast escape!
On the way home we went to the grocery store - ground beef on sale! We bought a few things and then it was off for home. We have still not made it to the library, or to Lowes, but we will get there.
We had lunch and then there was the "chores, lessons, work" rotation. I was trying to fold laundry and reply to email at the same time, while sneaking in help to the kids for their lessons inbetween. We got it done though - one load left to fold!
I fed the kids early, and then I made Hongo drive out to Apple Valley to pick up some stuff. We grabbed In-N_Out on the way home.
Oh, and amidst all this, my MIL kept calling and wanting to talk to Courtney. They have something "Secret" going on. I wonder what it is?
Saturday is my birthday (could that be part of the secret???) and it should be rather relaxing. It will be the first birthday where I don't have to dread a middle of the night phone call involving my dad. I guess that is something to look forward to!

Tomorrow is Park (TG!!!) DramaQueen has been driving me up the wall. She cries for everything. And when she's not crying, she harassing her siblings. LegoQueen must have told DQ 6 times to quit putting her hands on the computer screen, until she started screaming at her. Ugh. They all need a break from each other right now.

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