Thursday, November 29, 2007

Park Day!

I am so close to Ravelry, I can taste it...only 5631 people in front of me! Maybe I should get back to knitting something so I have a project to post when I get in!

Today we had Park - a very eventful one!
One of my friend's kids locked her car keys in the trunk. Another mom ended up calling AAA to come and try to get the keys out, and they ended up towing the car to her house because they couldn't.
We sang Happy Birthday to another mom, and 5 seconds later her daughter had been hit in the eye and it was bleeding a little, forcing them to go home early.
Near the end of park, I overheard one of the moms telling the story of why she got kicked out of our weekly playgroup. She was saying that her son had accidently overfed the hostess's goldfish, and that he did a couple of other small things that little boys just do and now they are banned. But it was okay, because they had formed their own little group that meets weekly.
Whoa, whoa - let's back up a little bit. Her family was STILL coming to the Lego meetings long after her son killed my friend's goldfish by pouring KITTY LITTER in the bowl. Last time I checked, goldfish do not eat kitty litter in any quantity. Second, it is not normal to break the sliding screen door or tie yourself to the fence while you are a guest at someone's house. It is not okay to sit on your arse knitting, while your daughter steals another child's shoes and then begins beating the door and screaming because there is a locked room in the house. There is no excuse to let your kids act like brats in someone else's home.
SO yes, I am glad that you have your own little group....because now I can enjoy my Friday's and have friends over without dreading who is coming over. The group we have right now is awesome, and if any of the kids misbehave, we can tell each other and it is dealt with. And wow - those times are few and far between.
Whew...boy I just went off, lol! It just made me kind of mad, because I saw her being all friendly to my friend, and then she goes and says stuff like that when my friend has her back turned (literally).

SO anyway - I have a sweater that I want to try to knit. I am going to bring the magazine tomorrow (to show said friend with dead goldfish) and see how I am going to start this. OH, and its from a magazine that she lent
We are going to a movie theater opening with our group in the morning, following with our weekly meeting at a house.

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