Friday, October 31, 2008

Mice again...

It always happens at the WRONG time~

A few nights ago I noticed droppings near the back door of the garage when I was bringing the dogs in. I bought traps and last night before we left for softball I set all four out with some peanut butter on them.
When we came back 2 hours later, TWO mice were in the trap. I almost threw up, I was sooooo grossed out! Hongo said he would get them today and I told him NO! I had people coming over today!! So he disposed of the mice last night. He apparently moved one of the traps to the same spot and when I went out to the car to get my wallet, there was ANOTHER one in the trap. I texted him and told him his dad would need to come and take care of it for me because I am so sick thinking of it being out there. He said he would come home at around noon if I could hang on that long.
We have another trap on the other side of the car behind some hay bales I have stored, and I haven't checked that trap yet. I don't want to! I hear something squeaking in the garage!!!
Hongo said it looked like we have babies, because all of the mice are really small. So it looks like I have to go get more traps if I fill them all up.
Yuck yuck YUCK!!!!! I just want them gone! And why did they have to come NOW???
I know the hay bales in the garage werent the greatest idea, but if I had put them out back, the dog would have though they were for her and ripped them to shreds.

On another more positive note - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

1 comment:

Carleigh said...

You really should just borrow a neighbor's cat. Problem solved in a couple of days!:)