Sunday, August 10, 2008

Needed a haircut....

and so today I got one. It was nice to sit and have someone brush my hair without sticking the comb in my eye.

No pictures yet - I stuck it back up in my usual ponytail (which is a bit difficult, I think I let her cut too much, lol) Maybe I will have LQ take a picture later.

Hongo's shin is healing...he kept ice on it and had it elevated, so the swelling has gone WAY down.

My memory has been going quickly these days...I came on here to write something specific, and now I have forgotten.

One thing that I cannot forget is that my son is going to be 6 in 8 days! Last night I asked him if I could still call him my baby, and he said yes.
He has changed so much over the past year. Still silent in public, but he is expanding his circle of people he will talk to.

Oh, now I remember...I was going to say that I am going to be so sleep deprived because I'm going to try to stay up and watch Olympic softball! it starts at 9pm on Wed, and I am so excited. I just wish that they didn't have to play in China (yuck)

What else am I excited about? Adult softball starts in a month! Four weeks from today the season starts. A friend and I were going to see if we could get an all women's team together for Wednesday night, but we couldn't. Then I tossed around the idea of finding a team for just me to join. That was a no go too, because I am not quite adventurous to join a team where I know NO ONE. Even when I started last year,
I knew 3 people because I was coaching their daughters.

Anyway...Hongo keeps telling me that if I take on ONE more job or activity or volunteer position, we are getting divorced. He is too funny!

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