Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's COLD!!!

and I am just slightly irritated because my husband moved the TV downstairs, so now we are stuck in the colder room watching football when I could be upstairs where it is at least 5 degrees warmer.
We got our Christmas tree yesterday in the morning. Then after I got back from a mini playdate with the girls, we went to the mall to get some shirts for Hongo. Then we went to Kohls for sweaters for me, and I could only bring myself to buy one. After all, I am knitting one right now, and I plan to knit more if this one goes well. Why not make one that fits me the way I want it to, instead of getting something off the rack?
I just need to find more time in the day to knit. Actually, I should have more time coming this week.
Anyway, so while we were at the mall, DramaQueen got her ears pierced. She looks soooo cute! She cried though, but she is fine today.
We decorated our tree last night, and we were going to decorate outside, but it is way tooo cold!
*sigh* off to find another sweater to throw on to keep warm....

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