Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I almost forgot....

With the depressing stuff from yesterday, I failed to mention that LegoQueen actually did very well at catcher. We are so proud of her! She did start to get tired and was missing balls near the end, but I think it is one of those stamina things that you have to build up to.
She did everything that the coach asked her to - and Hongo stood behind the fence at home plate to help her out.

LegoQueen and I talked today. We talked about thing we can change, and things we cannot. We cannot change how other people treat her, however we can change how we react. I thought up until now she had been doing a great job of ignoring them and just moving past and doing her own thing, but I think she just snapped yesterday. Which shows that they are still getting to her. She decided today that she was going to make a concerted effort to just stick with the people she trusts and walk away from the others.
We talked about quitting, and she said she didn't want to have to give up something that she liked doing because of a few bad people.
We talked about asking that she be redrafted next season, but she only wants to go to a specific team, so she will be just as miserable if she ends up on the other team. Plus she really likes her coach, so she would like to stick with him.

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