Sunday, December 28, 2008

two in a row.....

and I am on a roll~

Today all the Christmas decorations went bye-bye. Hongo dragged the tree out to the porch and cleaned up all the mess the tree had left behind.
We relaxed today, which was nice. Everyone was playing with their new toys, and we watched football together.
We also bought one more gift. It is for Hongo and I to share. Its a new bat *lol* romantic!

I can't wait for the new season of softball to start. I think I am ready. I got a new Under Armour Cold shirt and some pants to go under my running pants. New batting gloves, and I'll have some new socks and cleats in a few weeks. I'm all set.

I know I haven't mentioned it, but I am knitting the LegoQueen a sweater. I am almost done with the body of it. I have to make it long enough for her. She hates when the sweater shows her stomach when she raises her arms, so this one is pretty long. She is excited about the sweater, but I never have a whole lot of time to knit so it has been moving slowly.

This week I am going to try to slow down a bit since once Jan 5th comes around, I will be super busy again.

Stay warm! I'm freezing!

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