Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Living in a bubble...

I must not get out much...or I live under a rock.

Or maybe I am just too focused on living my own life that I don't have time to live others'!

Too much Little League I was at a meeting last night for 2 hours trying to get things straightened out for my older team. SO disorganized...

I did meet DramaQueen's coach....nice guy. I think we will get along fine. We know a lot of the same people, my husband and the coach work for the same department.
It's all good. We are going to hold practices at the same time, so that makes my life easier.

Today I am babysitting, and returning some phone calls. It should be a mellow day. Maybe do a little bit of shopping. The weather looks to be nice so maybe we will go for a walk.

Oh, and I decided to let the LegoQueen read Twilight. She has all this birthday money and she wanted to buy some books with it, but I told her she should check out the first one in the series before she spent the money. But then my friend told me that the first book is 8 bucks. LOL. Oh well. We are picking our copy up from the library this week when it comes in. I got lucky and there was one available to transfer!
I have books on hold too, but not anything fun. I will have to see what is at the library.

All of my hard work is reaping rewards...
Yesterday I had a friend over and it was snack time. LQ asked if she could have a spinach salad. I thought my friend was going to have a heart attack. She said her kids probably thought spinach was lettuce gone bad in the fridge, lol.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, LQ gets up at 7am and starts working on her math lesson for the day. So when the neighbor girl gets here, LQ can play with her and not have that lesson looming over her head. I never have to bug LQ anymore to study.

Now if I could just get her to keep her room clean and not fight with her dad, things would be even better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My kids love spinach too! Bionicle Boy also does his lessons without being asked. Practices his guitar too on and his own. I guess if LQ and BB ever have kids, our grandkids will be some smart spinach loving kids! Lol!