Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bummer of a day....

Rain is fine if I don't have plans...

It was so windy today that we didn't go to Park. So I hopped back into bed and napped. I talked to some friends on the phone, and then about 2pm I decided to take the kids to the library and the grocery store.
We went to our city library and I hate it there. I stood in line for 15 minutes trying to check books out because they don't have that automated system like the other libraries do. The librarian must have asked me 10 times "Do you want to check these books out?" I finally snapped at her and said "For the millionth time, YES!"
She probably tacked on a fake fine while she was messing in the computer.
Then we went to the grocery store and they were having an 8 hour sale and people...I swear I hate other people...were CUTTING in line at the meat department. Seriously - there is plenty of chicken for you, there are 50lb tubs of it lying behind the counter.
But everyone is all about themselves, their time and lives are so important, The lady who cut in front of me wanted to rush home and eat the entire contents of her fridge (or maybe she did that BEFORE she came) and the other lady who cut in front of me must have needed to go home for her meth fix...
*sigh* I suggested to the lady behind the counter that perhaps a number/ticket system would benefit their store on days like this.
I told Hongo that 20 centper pound savings on chicken is not worth that crap.
I found out tonight that the league is not planning on letting the teams practice until March 1st. That's so far away!
And tonight Hongo's game was canceled due to rain.
Today just wasn't my day, I guess.
But tomorrow I am going out to Apple Valley again to run some errands and visit friends. I have to pay for our Friday night team. Plus I am going to treat LegoQueen to a haircut. I'm tired of the look she's got going right now, and as long as the hair is long enough to pull back into a ponytail, she can get it cut and layered. Her hair is so thick I bet it will look great.
Oh and I think my back problem is more of a nerve problem. I have been stretching and walking, but today I went and pushed myself a little more and I had to sit down because my legs were twitching and moving around involuntarily.
We will see though - its killing me not being able to do any weight training.

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