Sunday, February 15, 2009

We won...We WON... WE WON!!!!

I am high up in the clouds, and I dont think I will be coming down anytime soon!

Today we had a softball game against one of the so-called "best" teams in the Sunday division.
They cheat. They have an altered bat that pretty much everyone on the team uses. Their girls, most of which can't hit it past the infield, miraculously hit to deep outfield now. I have picked up the bat before and it is obvious. We have brought it to the attention of the umpire and league people, but because the manager of the team happens to be someone "famous" in our town, they look the other way.
Every time we play them we lose. and its usually by 1 or 2 runs, and its so frustrating because we know they cheat. we played and we won. Not only did we win...we kicked their a$$e$. The score was something like 26 to 6. The beating was over in about 40 minutes.
They were SO mad, and such bad sports. Some of them refused to acknowledge we had won.
The catcher threatened my husband, too. Dummy said it to ME, of all people.

We have beat a lot of teams, but nothing has ever felt so good than beating a team full of cheaters. I can look my children in the eye and say that I play an honest game with the abilities that I have. I may not be the best, but its darn good enough.
Its a shame, because there are a couple of players on their team that are super nice and easy to get along with.

I just wanted to share my joy...and announce that I also did not get hurt this week :)

I have my managers meeting for softball tomorrow, and then the softball season will be in full swing.


Sancy said...

Woo Hoo!! Congratulations!! :)

La La Rabbit said...

Very cool!
DL has his first Tball practice 2morrow...