Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th....

Not too bad for Friday the 13th. Jason did not pop out of the bushes and try to maim me...yet...

We managed to get everything done today, despite the snowfall.
I tell ya, screw all that business about La Nina and global warming because it has snowed at least 3 times this year, with one of them being the best snowfall in like 25 years or something!
Blah, blah, blah...
Oh yes, and the kids are healthy little trolls! The Hairy One has moved from the 5th percentile all the way up into the 25th percentile! Yay!
He's still small...
And DQ has an appointment for the eye dr. The machine picked up something in her right eye, so it needs to be checked out. I am sure it is something simple.

Tomorrow is the LegoQueens birthday party. It will be cold, so we will encourage the kids to stay inside. They can play rock band, or listen to music and chill.
It will definitely be interesting...the neighbor girl is coming and will be surrounded by a bunch of homeschoolers..eek!

Oh, and I have exciting news, so remind me to tell you at the party tomorrow!


La La Rabbit said...

Whats the news..I am not at the a sister out! haha..

Anonymous said...

Was the news the Expo news? Bionicle Boy really wants to go.

Kim said...

no, not EXPO news (but I think Bionicle Boy would really LOVE going)