Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Trip to MDAQMD

The kids are learning about air today

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Sign twirlers crack me up. This guy was dancing like no body was watching. Gotta love it when someone can find fun in their job!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

hyper kids....

My two little ones have been battling allergies for a while now. I thought they were sick, so we stayed home from as many activities as possible. When the sneezing and night coughing wouldn't go away, I took them in to the dr and she said it was allergies.
So we have been doing OTC allergy meds and frequent eye rinsing (the hairy one's eyes water alot, so when he wipes he introduces bacteria to his eyes from his hands) and during the day they are pretty good. But at night they cough and it sounds like they can't breathe. I sat up one night and went from one to the other just so that I could make sure they were breathing.
Well, I wasn't completely convinced that they WEREN'T sick, so I took them in one more time. DQ is improving, but the Hairy one was not.
Again, the dr said she thinks its still allergies, and Hairy is experiencing pain from the sinus pressure. SO she gave me a prescription and I had it filled today after I got clearance from THE EXPERT.
We went to a playdate today and on the way I had it filled. I gave it when we got home, and now I have two VERY hyper children. No, we are not experiencing nausea or diarrhea, just extreme excitability.
The puppy can't wait for them to go to sleep. He is sick of riding in the stroller, being in jail, and wearing baby clothes. Such a good dog.
We will see how tomorrow goes. The Hairy one looks better already.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Something that happened last night has been bothering me...

We were at my husband's game and I was on the bleachers watching. Usually my kids will sit with me and LegoQueen will yak in my ear and bug me.
But this happened to be be an early game, so there were a lot of kids out, and one of her teammates happened to be there, so she asked if they could go playon one of the fields behind us.
No problem, I can turn around and watch them if I wanted to, and I told the older girl, "If you lose my daughter, you will be in sooo much trouble." and we laughed and all was well.

Well, near the end of the game the girls all come running up to me (they had grabbed another girl to play with) and Julie (the player I had been joking with) said "Kim you need to call somebody because those girls over there started fighting with your daughter and called her a B****!
Okay, hold on, back up. I turned around and sure enough there was a group of black girls walking away and looking over their shoulders. I had the girls explain to me again, very slowly, what happened. Julie's dad came over and said, " Julie, if she comes back you sure as hell better sock her ass in the mouth."
Ah....not quite the advice I would have given, but their family is a little different from ours, lol.
What happened:
1. The girls were playing with a group of boys, a mini game of baseball.
2. The group of black girls came up and started asking why my daughter was looking at their mom funny (the girls did not see a mom anywhere)
3. When my daughter said she didn't know what they were talking about, one girl called her a b****
4. LQ told her to shut up and go away and naively thought that it was done at that point and turned away to go play
5. The other girl shoved her in the back and told her to bring it.
6. Julie jumps in and tells the girls where to go.
7. The black girls leave as soon as LQ starts running for her mom.

LegoQueen was in quite a state. She was shaking, but it wasn't fear shaking her- it was the rush of adrenaline that comes when you are put in a position where you have to defend yourself.
We sat down for a while after that, and I explained to her that those girls came over looking to fight, and when they called her a name, they expected her to cower in fear and run. But LQ didn't and stood her ground and told them to shut up and go away. Then when she turned her back, the brave coward pushed her and then backed away to see what she would do. That is what bullies do.

And yes, I do keep mentioning the fact that they were BLACK girls. Ghetto black pieces of shit who have nothing better to do that to pick on my very WHITE daughter. That bothers me intensely. I have black neighbors who are good people (the baby I sit for has a black father) so its not like I see a black person and hate them. Its hard to explain. Its a certain type of person whether they are black, brown, asian, or white.

I have to admit, I have a little ghetto in me. If those girls had not been walking away I would be sitting in jail for assault on a minor or something. I would have gone over there and there is no telling how brave they would be at that point. One of Hongo's friends would have to take my case and defend me, lol! But yesterday I had to be a mom first, and be calm and patient to hear the entire story. By that time the girls were long gone over at the basketball courts.

LQ said last night "I'm Mexican, I have Mexican in me!" and Hongo told her "If you were really Mexican, that girl would have a broken nose and some hair missing."
LOL, so true.

I am very thankful that Julie was with her and didn't leave my daughter behind. Last year Julie would torment my daughter every game and every practice. They have grown up a little and I think Julie realizes that LQ is just a regular kid who has her own issues, just like she does. Julie deals with bullying at her school, and the fact that my friend's daughter doesn't like her and tries to steer other people on the team to not like her either. She is a very insulated child, which is so sad for a 13 year old to be like that.

I told LQ that bullying doesn't always occur when you are kids. Adults do it too. I don't think there ever comes a time in your life when it DOESN'T happen. and bullying doesn't always have to be someone trying to pick a fist fight. It can be verbal, emotional, etc.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


We confirmed that DQ has conjuctivitis in both eyes. This am she woke up screaming because her eyes were dried shut. As I was cleaning her eyes I asked her why she HAD to open them at 615. Couldn't she wait until 8 or something? I guess humor is not high on the list that early in the morning. :)
So she got cleaned up and went back to sleep. Now my son is up and moving around, so I guess sleeping for me is over :( maybe I can convince him to play with my phone while I doze....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The eyes

We just aren't having a good week. I am currently sitting at Urgent Care with DQ. Both of her eyes swelled up an are now puffy and red with discharge leaking out. I had an appointment for 1st thing tomorrow, but I don't think this can wait. Its moving too fast.

Living on the edge....

When my son grows up and turns 18, he can do stunts and thrill himself to his hearts' content.
However, that is about 12 years away, so until then I must insist that he keep both feet on the ground. No jumping, dangling, crashing, swinging, bumping, hanging, etc.
I swear I can't turn about for a moment without him being into something or doing an activity that gives me a heart attack.
Today he thought it would be great to jump down the past the last 4 stairs. He could have snapped an ankle or broken an arm!!!!
Then after lunch he was running in the house with our dog. Not paying attention to furniture or other obstacles, just watching to make sure the dog was keeping up. I am am obstacle and he nearly took me feet out from under me.
Tomorrow is park day, and I fully expect for him to let me know he is feeling 100 percent better by climbing something.

Okay, okay- I do think its kind of funny how he will stand on the couch and try to jump onto people's backs when they walk past him. He's pretty good at it, and the reaction of his victim is hilarious....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No end in sight....

Hongo just called - he is sick too. He wants to come home and share his germs with us :(

I refuse to get sick, I refuse to get sick......

Stomach bug...

Last week DramaQueen threw up. I thought it might have been something she ate, but I still sent a note to my friend whose daughter she had been playing with to let her know.
Then Sunday night my son woke up vomiting. Then Monday Morning DQ did it again. ANd the Hairy One started this morning and has done it 3 times in the past hour.
So I stripped down ALL of the beds yesterday and I have been doing laundry ever since.
I went through and scrubbed all the toilets, all he sinks were cleaned and I mopped the floor. Hongo brought home disinfectant wipes for me to use so I don't have to wash any more rags.
Today I have to shampoo the carpets because they don't always make it to the bathroom in time.

So much for sleeping in!

We are staying in today and probably tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday Morning,

Is it Wednesday already? Yup.

Last night's game was so frustrating. We had 3 teams show up to play us, no umpire, and my pitchers did not do well.
We still won 18-12, and so now we are 8-2.
Tonight I am holding practice, and then I will have a special batting practice tomorrow. We also have a game tonight, so I am looking forward to hitting that ball and getting some stress out!

Speaking of stress, my treadmill died yesterday. SO those times when I really need to just walk and get it all out, I can't do that in my house anymore. I do have an elliptical, but I really hate that thing. I am looking to see if I can buy another TM cheaply.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Its already May

and I feel so bad because I was just reading my last entry and it was about the Hairy One's cavity and we still haven't been in to have it fixed. Insurance can be a pain :(

This week is full of softball every single day. Today we had a pee wee game, tomorrow each of the girls have a game, Wednesday we have junior practice and adult coed game, Thursday DQ has her game and then we go to Hongo's double header, Friday we have playoffs and Saturday there will be 4 games back to back to back....

This is about the time where Hongo starts feeling like throwing in the towel and wants his life back. This year I am kind of there with him :(
We do get Sunday off for Mothers' Day :)

Otherwise everything is fine - we have a lot of activities planned for the daytime during the week, and I am still babysitting. He is a pretty good little kid, which is right up my alley. I only have to feed and change him, the kids entertain him and he goes down for his nap like clockwork.

tomorrow will be a fun day, just really busy ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Its always something...

Yesterday everything was going smoothly...

we had just finished DQ's practice, gone home and picked up Hongo, and then arrived at a meeting for adult softball. The kids and I went to the park, and then I went over to watch a softball game.
LQ brought the Hairy One to me, SCREAMING and crying. He said he hit his face. A quick look over at him, there weren't bruises, blood, or anything. So I picked him up and carried him around for a bit, and then settled on the bleachers to watch the game.
He started crying again, so I took him inside the community center and offered to buy him a treat from the vending machine. It was broken, so when I came back to tell him, I noticed his face looked funny on one side. It was swollen and hard as a rock!
I knew he had a cavity on that side, and we were due to go in this Friday and have it filled. After another 10 minutes, I finally interrupted the meeting and told Hongo we had to leave and take the boy in. He was in too much pain, and was becoming very tired and disoriented. He kept yelling at me to stop touching his face, and I wasn't.
Poor thing.
We got him in right away and they prescribed him antibiotics.
by the time we got home we were all tired and hungry, so we bought some in and out.
He kind of goes in spurts, he will feel fine and play, and then the next minute he is is crying and in pain.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Gosh,I have so many pictures to download and post!
I have a card full of pictures from today's events, yesterday's and the big Park potluck from Thursday!
Just when we were just getting finished with all the Valentines' Day candy, we now have some Easter candy!
When is the next holiday??!!
Its another busy week at our house. There are so many spring projects to start (and some winter ones that never got finished).
Since the weather was absolutely gorgeous today, I went out and mowed the lawn. Tomorrow I will attempt to pull some weeds (although the trash cans are full, so I really have no where to put the weeds) and spread some fertilizer for the grass.
My father in law is supposed to let me borrow his chainsaw so I can cut a large limb off the willow tree. Then it will look nice and pretty. I also found the broken sprinkler, so tomorrow it is off to Lowes to find a replacement!
Tomorrow DramaQueen has practice, so I get a day off from coaching!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

All done!

Well, the event I was stressing about has come and gone. We went to the political fundraiser for Anthony Adams and with the exception of ONE person, we met really nice people and I have discovered that even filthy rich people get nervous and stressed!
Despite all the hype and security (bomb sniffing dogs sniffed my purse!) everything went off without a major hitch.
I didn't eat anything except a tiny chocolate tart at the end. My friends know how picky I am, lol! No, I didn't try the caviar, I did NOT say "Hasta la vista, baby" to the Governor, and I did not kiss him either. Sorry guys!
I did shake hands with the Assemblyman, and let me tell you - that guy is GOOOOOOD. He makes you feel like you are the only person there that he wants to talk to. He makes good eye contact, and shakes hands with a firm grip.
Nice guy overall, despite some people's objections.

Hongo and I got out of there around 8:15pm. We stopped in Rancho Cucamonga for dinner and we ate at Fleming's steak restaurant.
I had to give Hongo a hard time. The food was slow to come out, and I told him that rich people are never in a hurry so the food could take all day!
It was a good dinner, despite that I didn't order a steak. I am just too picky about steak and how its cooked. When Hongo's steak came back, I was glad I didn't order one because I wouldn't have eaten it. My breast of chicken was very good though.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The sweetest thing....

I should really be washing my car and getting ready for tonight, but I had to sit and post this in my blog so I can look back and remember one day.

My kids are staying at my in-laws' house tonight, and MIL just came and picked them up. I gave them all hugs good bye and they left.
5 minutes later, my two little ones are back at the front door. "We forgot our DS's!" so they run inside and grab them. DramaQueen hops back in the truck and The Hairy One was still upstairs looking for a charger. When he finally cam down, I said to him, "you better hurry, the truck is leaving!" He ran out the door but stopped on the porch. He turned around and said in THE sweetest voice "Mommy, I want to kiss you goodbye!"
So I said "Come here!" and he kissed me and hugged me tight. I told him "I love you, Buddy." and he said, "I love you too, Mommy!
As he got in the car, I heard him tell my mother in law "I really needed to kiss my mommy goodbye." and then he slammed the door shut.

And so someday I know that I won't get hugs and kisses everytime my son leaves the house. But some lucky woman will, and I will be so happy.

Today is our 14th wedding anniversary, so today as I revel in the love my children and I have, tonight I will celebrate the love that got it all started.

I love my Hongo!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I have time to write!

Today I actually have time to sit at my desk and write. SO here comes the things that are on my mind...

First of all, my heart is heavy and very sad for my dear friend Taryn...her son died on April 1st. I got the call from my other friend who had asked if I had heard. I knew she wouldn't joke about something so serious, but it didn't stop me from asking if it was an April Fools' joke.
Sadly, its not, and my heart breaks for my friend who lost her 4 month old son. He was so beautiful :(
Wednesday was hard, because I went from the phone call to my daughter's baseball game and tried to put on a happy face. I stayed behind my camera alot, and just enjoyed my own precious child and felt thankful that she is going to be 8 in a few weeks and is healthy and strong. And a damn good baseball player too.
The boys on her team respect her somewhat, and the boys on the other teams are learning not to underestimate the batter wearing the bright pink helmet.
Hongo and I are so proud, and you can tell that LQ is quite proud as well. "My little sister plays hardball" is stated proudly, and with a big smile.
Speaking of talent, LQ is showing signs of improvement. She knows that she can do more, and so she has been pushing herself a little harder each time. I bought her a facemask, and now that the threat of getting hit square in the face is gone, she catches everything that is hit at her. We were practicing at the park, and one of the parents asked me if I was angry with her, and to maybe tone the hits down. She was catching everything and asking me to hit it harder.
I can't wait to see her in her game tomorrow.
My son is doing fine as well. I can tell he would rather play tackle football, but MOM is too afraid of her baby boy getting hurt. Baseball is a little safer.

Hongo is in vacation planning mode. He is thinking that we may go to Tahiti this year.
I can never get into planning a vacation. All I see are the $$$ flying out of my bank account. Money that I worked so hard to save...
Of course I enjoy the vacation and then I go into saving for the next one, but still.

I recently bought a heart rate monitor, to help make my workouts more efficient. My weight training becamea bit stagnant, and one would think with all the running around that I do, i would be thinner. Not the case.
Since time is precious, everything has to be as efficient as possible.
I bought a new Blackberry (which I love) and I am allllllmost done making it the way I like it. I would prefer a today theme which shows me my appointments and messages at a glance, but I LOOOOOOVE my theme right now (baseball theme).
Anyway, my blackberry keeps me from being tethered to my desktop and I can read and reply to messages immediatly, so when I get home I can do other things. Like laundry and cooking...
My blackberry also keeps track of my life and the things going on. This week I had to be somewhere everyday (except today) and I made it to all the appointments. I wasn't early, but I MADE it. I just have to remember to put the appointments in and it will all be good...
My blackberry has a button for Facebook, so I can keep tabs with my friends and not be such a loser and be left out all the time. I am having fun with it, I just need to add some pictures.
I gave up soda again, but to be perfectly honest, I dropped one bad habit and picked up another. i eat lots of chocolate now. hersheys is my favorite.

Ahhhh....this took too long. time to go! we have softball tonight!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Opening Day!

Just a couple to share. DramaQueen was the only one of my three to play a game, and you know I just can't resist getting sports shots!
Sadly, I didn't get very many of Opening Day. I handed off my camera to my father in law and he was unable to penetrate through the masses of parents. :(

Friday, March 20, 2009

Remember to breathe...

I finished writing out the schedules for the two little ones. How overwhelming! We got LegoQueen's schedule for next week. I have to be in two places at once both days :(
So I will most likely make it to LC's first game and miss her second. Or maybe its the other way around. I don't know.
Today is preparation for the big day tomorrow. I have jerseys, sweatshirts, and socks to pick up, and patches to sew on. 27 patches...holy cow!
I have a couple of hours until Hongo gets home, so we are going to run to the bank and to Target. Then at 4 the fun begins, because DramaQueen has to be at practice at 4, and then straight from there, we go to our softball game, and then come home and everyone has to shower and lay out their uniforms (and I have to sew all those patches!!!! ugh!)
I have to research which Blackberry will be best for me. I have come to the painful conclusion that the Storm is not it. Touchscreen and the way I text just don't fit hand in hand together. So I am looking at the curve and the 8330. We will see though.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Post-St.Patty's Day...

SO I didn't wear green...but if you count all the time I spent at the field yesterday, I must have had grass stains of some sort on my clothes or shoes, lol!

That crazy softball parent...all I can say is that some people are f-d up. She pulled her stunt again yesterday after practice. I lost it and started yelling when she told me that my parenting style sucks. I told her I wasn't fond of her style either.
But as one of the other parents reminded me today, I am coaching young ladies, not parents.

Today was a babysitting day. Beautiful outside, so we took a short walk before naptime. I didn't have him very long due to early out schedule for his older sister. So they came after 8 and left at 2. And that is when he takes his two naps, lol!
I took DramaQueen to practice today and her coach asked me to help. I got a little taste of what coaching Minor B is like. Kind of like Pee-Wee as far as skill level, but more intense. The attention span is a little better too.
I still won't do baseball.
Hongo is already talking about moving DQ back to softball. This might be my last year of managing for a long time! She loves baseball though, so he better let her stay if she wants to!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today we had our final games of the season, and we won BOTH!

The first game ended something like 29-6, and the second game was sooo perfect.
We were down by 2 runs in the final inning. We had two runners on base, and two outs. We managed to get 2 runs to tie it up, so then my dear friend came up to bat with one runner on base. She hit a BOMB to the outfield, and as soon as the runner crossed the plate we all started jumping up and down and cheering! She stood on second base and we ran over to congratulate her!
What a perfect end!

But victory only lasts for so long, and champions still have kids to feed. So after we got home we went to COstco and bought some things. Then later one, the Hairy One convinced his father that TWINKIES were a necessity, so Hongo went and bought some.

I am finally healed enough to start jogging and weight training again. For the past few weeks I have been too scared of lifting due to back issues, and my ankles were not holding up very well. I have only been walking, just not very regularly.
So tomorrow I will start back up. I have the baby to sit for, but I can ask his mom for the stroller so I can walk with the kids. Maybe I will call up a friend to go with me.

This week is the last week before Opening Day. My schedule is jam-packed and there is very little margin or flexibility. I had to give up some things to make it work, so hopefully it will be worth it in the end....

Friday, March 13, 2009

Finally Friday again...

Softball update...

1. The Thursday Men's No-Names pulled out a spectacular win last night. Even with their shaky defense they managed to win by 2 runs. They are now 2-0 in the playoffs and need to win next Thursday to claim first place. Winner receives 150 dollars towards their next season.
2. The Friday Co-Ed No Names just started their season 3 weeks ago and they are 3-0 and are atop the entire division. Tonight they will attempt to go 4-0.
3. The Sunday Mad Batters are in a tight fisted 3 way tie. This weekend they will play a doubleheader against the team that is right behind them. Mad Batters need to win BOTH games to claim the 1st place spot from the other two teams.

Little League updates:

1. I love my Pee-Wee team! They are all so cute and I have two that are sooooo shy and never want to talk to me. But one actually said hi to me, and told me he will be six. Then he asked me how old I was, which wasn't so cute, lol!
2. DramaQueen is loving baseball. She still wishes her daddy would coach, but is adjusting to her new coach well. Every time I go to pick her up, they always have wonderful things to say about her attitude and playing abilities. Today I get to actually sit and watch an entire practice, yay!
3. My junior team is a little shaky. I had one parent a few weeks ago that insulted me and my coaches, and then dropped the f-bomb in front of the girls. I could have gone crazy and screamed at her, but I remained calm and simply let the higher ups know and they put her on probation. I am so proud of myself for that, I can be hot-headed sometimes. LegoQueen is having a hard time. She isn't catching or fielding or throwing well at all. I need to spend some time with her, but I have been so busy :(
4. My board position is going alright. I have a constant to-do list but I am managing it pretty well. The board meetings once a month kill e though. I have to spend 2 1/2 hours away from my family and its hard to get used to. We like going everywhere together.

Overall, I am juggling pretty well. I have most Friday's free during the day, so today after I clean the house we are going out to find a birthday gift for a friend's kid and we are going to swing by and drop it off on the way to practice tonight.
I caught up on paying all my bills, and hopefully I can get my car washed and grass cut today as well.
Then softball tonight and dinner out with friends. can't wait!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thoughts on a Sunday night...

We made it through another week.

We had a BBQ today/coaches meeting. We had everyone over and we discussed the team and some issues that have come up. It was a good time with lots of yummy food.

Only two more weeks of Thursday/Sunday softball. Unreal. Then we get a little break before the storm rolls in during April.

Things are going well, and I am not feeling overwhelmed just yet. So far my scheduling has been going well, and I can plan my days out pretty good.

My body is sore, so time for a nice relaxing bath.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Living in a bubble...

I must not get out much...or I live under a rock.

Or maybe I am just too focused on living my own life that I don't have time to live others'!

Too much Little League drama...plus I was at a meeting last night for 2 hours trying to get things straightened out for my older team. SO disorganized...

I did meet DramaQueen's coach....nice guy. I think we will get along fine. We know a lot of the same people, my husband and the coach work for the same department.
It's all good. We are going to hold practices at the same time, so that makes my life easier.

Today I am babysitting, and returning some phone calls. It should be a mellow day. Maybe do a little bit of shopping. The weather looks to be nice so maybe we will go for a walk.

Oh, and I decided to let the LegoQueen read Twilight. She has all this birthday money and she wanted to buy some books with it, but I told her she should check out the first one in the series before she spent the money. But then my friend told me that the first book is 8 bucks. LOL. Oh well. We are picking our copy up from the library this week when it comes in. I got lucky and there was one available to transfer!
I have books on hold too, but not anything fun. I will have to see what is at the library.

All of my hard work is reaping rewards...
Yesterday I had a friend over and it was snack time. LQ asked if she could have a spinach salad. I thought my friend was going to have a heart attack. She said her kids probably thought spinach was lettuce gone bad in the fridge, lol.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, LQ gets up at 7am and starts working on her math lesson for the day. So when the neighbor girl gets here, LQ can play with her and not have that lesson looming over her head. I never have to bug LQ anymore to study.

Now if I could just get her to keep her room clean and not fight with her dad, things would be even better!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Past the first week....

My softball team is full of nice girls. We have had some glitches and tomorrow I have to cancel practice because someone double booked the field, but otherwise things are moving along smoothly.
My mom came and visited today. She is still working...but just like many people, things are uncertain with her future employment status. Her company was just bought out so she is supposed to receive a $2100 buyout check for her vacation and then she has to start accruing it all over again.
It doesn't make sense to me, but then again, she has never really made sense. Nevertheless, I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE she takes that money and pays her bills down and then puts some away for a rainy day.
My parents were never savers - they spent every penny whether out of necessity or indulgence.
My mom was sad. Sunday was her sister's funeral. My aunt had Alzheimer's and it was very difficult for my mom to have her only sister not recognize her. Plus Saturday was the 2 year anniversary of my dad's death, so it was just rough all around.
My uncle finally moved out, and so now my mom is living alone. She seems to enjoy it, she has her sweetheart dog and all of her nasty ass cats to keep her company.

This week the two little ones start with their teams. They are so excited. Well, DramaQueen is. The Hairy One is scared. He should have no problem though - I was looking at my roster and there are 2 familiar faces and the team is 10 little boys and 2 girls. The girls should be the ones who are scared!!! LOL!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The line in the sand has been drawn....


I volunteered for one more thing. Now I am the coordinator for softball. All divisions.

Hongo actually took it pretty well. He did draw the line at me organizing the tournament fundraiser.

What he didn't take so well was the fact that we had to go out to dinner tonight. I forgot to make dinner. I will get better, I promise! I already have tomorrow's meal planned out!

The best part about attending these meetings is that I am getting knitting done. I almost finished a hat between my phone calls and a coffee break with my friend. Woot woot!
Tomorrow I have a meeting at the Town of AV in the am, and then I am free the rest of the afternoon. Board meeting at 7pm. I hope they don't go too long!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We won...We WON... WE WON!!!!

I am high up in the clouds, and I dont think I will be coming down anytime soon!

Today we had a softball game against one of the so-called "best" teams in the Sunday division.
They cheat. They have an altered bat that pretty much everyone on the team uses. Their girls, most of which can't hit it past the infield, miraculously hit to deep outfield now. I have picked up the bat before and it is obvious. We have brought it to the attention of the umpire and league people, but because the manager of the team happens to be someone "famous" in our town, they look the other way.
Every time we play them we lose. and its usually by 1 or 2 runs, and its so frustrating because we know they cheat.

Anyway...today we played and we won. Not only did we win...we kicked their a$$e$. The score was something like 26 to 6. The beating was over in about 40 minutes.
They were SO mad, and such bad sports. Some of them refused to acknowledge we had won.
The catcher threatened my husband, too. Dummy said it to ME, of all people.

We have beat a lot of teams, but nothing has ever felt so good than beating a team full of cheaters. I can look my children in the eye and say that I play an honest game with the abilities that I have. I may not be the best, but its darn good enough.
Its a shame, because there are a couple of players on their team that are super nice and easy to get along with.

I just wanted to share my joy...and announce that I also did not get hurt this week :)

I have my managers meeting for softball tomorrow, and then the softball season will be in full swing.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th....

Not too bad for Friday the 13th. Jason did not pop out of the bushes and try to maim me...yet...

We managed to get everything done today, despite the snowfall.
I tell ya, screw all that business about La Nina and global warming because it has snowed at least 3 times this year, with one of them being the best snowfall in like 25 years or something!
Blah, blah, blah...
Oh yes, and the kids are healthy little trolls! The Hairy One has moved from the 5th percentile all the way up into the 25th percentile! Yay!
He's still small...
And DQ has an appointment for the eye dr. The machine picked up something in her right eye, so it needs to be checked out. I am sure it is something simple.

Tomorrow is the LegoQueens birthday party. It will be cold, so we will encourage the kids to stay inside. They can play rock band, or listen to music and chill.
It will definitely be interesting...the neighbor girl is coming and will be surrounded by a bunch of homeschoolers..eek!

Oh, and I have exciting news, so remind me to tell you at the party tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No wonder it was free....

ELLE magazine is garbage.

I received a free copy of it, and I just wasted 10 minutes of my life flipping through it and gagging. Nothing worth reading, except those letters that people send in looking for advice. Those were kind of funny.
Thank goodness I didn't waste my money actually subscribing to it!

Today's gathering was fun. I can't believe my dear friend is almost ready to deliver! She looks so perfect as a pregnant lady!

I am all set for tomorrow - the car is packed and everyone's clothes are laid out.

I still need to go buy a gift for my friend's daughter. Her party is Friday and I don't know if I will have time before the party to get one.

The week just keeps getting busier!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One more week....

of no lifting and then I should be good to go. I tried today since it is my usual strength training day and it was a no go.
So we did chores around the house. I made the kids go in the backyard and help pull weeds and preparing the soil for our veggie garden. This has exploded into a gigantic project with a lot more veggies than I anticipated. We have added spinach, broccoli, and corn to the mix. DQ wants to plant strawberries. We already have tomatoes (3 kinds), bell peppers, jalepenos, lettuce, and onions planned.

Tomorrow I am babysitting...only one day this week! I am also hosting a gathering of ladies from my local online moms group in the afternoon.

Thursday Hongo is off and the kids have dr appointments. We are hoping to make it back up in time for the Park Party!

OMG I feel so stupid. For some reason the DMV popped into my head and I realized that I didn't pay my husband's registration. I did that one time on my car too, but it was like 3 months late that time. Hongo was soooo mad at me.
Thankfully this one was not that late. So Hongo is only slightly pissed at me. But I just paid it and his tags should be here soon.
We just got done scolding a friend who got pulled over for expired tags. But hers have been expired for about a year.
Come to think of it, I don't think I have put my new tags on my license plate...I should look into that tomorrow....oops.

All this, and people trust their children with me...no wonder Hongo always sends me text messages telling me not to forget the baby anywhere!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Peanut Butter will be on sale....

because people are too afraid to buy it. I'll go buy a bunch, because its a major staple in our house.

I went out today and paid for my team...rubbed elbows with the park and rec lady and I look forward to meeting the park rec manager. Then we went to Walmart and I am so glad I did, because I found the pens that I have been looking all over for. One of my kids swiped this great pen from somewhere, and so I had to go buy more. Found them at WalMart.
I don't know why I did it, but I found myself explaining myself to some toothless employee at Wal_mart who questioned my decision to homeschool. It actually turned into a nice conversation, because her co-worker has her teenage daughter on independent study. Toothless wonder tried to resume the interrogation when I went to check out, but luckily I had enough and told her to Google it and we were on our way.
Then it was off to Jo-Anns to get some yarn for the hats I am knitting for the cancer lady. Plus I picked up a black skein to make a beanie for my Hongo. As I was standing in line it started to snow. My kids had their faces pressed against the window watching the snowfall as I stood in line.
It didn't stick, and we got home safely. We spent the rest of the afternoon doing chores and then relaxing. Doing a little bit of knitting too.
I had to attend a class tonight and so I made dinner early and all Hongo had to do was serve everyone.
Tomorrow is going to be a big cooking day. I have to make dinner for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday because Wed I have a board meeting to attend for little league and Thursday we have dr appointments, park day and then softball in the evening.

Busy weekend...

SOmehow we survived all the rain trying to poke its head in all of our plans. ON Saturday we finished tryouts just in time for it to start raining at the field. We did some grocery shopping and then Hongo made some delicious sandwiches for dinner. Turkey with cheese, and guacamole toasted on the bun. He is missing Quizno's since it closed down.
Yesterday was our softball double header and we won both games. The other team's pitcher accused us of cheating with shaved bats. Hongo was deeply offended. He doesnt cheat (at least at softball, Scrabble is another story) and was just steamed about it the rest of the afternoon.
Well, I know he wasnt accusing me, because I only got two good hits out of like 10 at bats. I couldn't seem to get it out of the infield!

Today I have to go out to AV and pay for my Friday team. Only 2 more weeks! and I am on the hunt for some yarn. I found out last night that one of the ladies from little league is battling cancer. Which means her hair may fall out. So I am going to knit some caps for her to keep her head warm for the winter. I will have to put a couple of projects on hold (i.e. the sleeves on LQs sweater) so that I can finish these quickly and get them to her. Ha ha....I said quickly and knit in the same sentence.... we will have to see.
Well, time to get the kids up and out of the house!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thanks for stopping by....

Now you can go away and let me enjoy my weekend!

Naturally I am speaking of the rain...but its not looking good right now, so I think tryouts are going to be postponed.
We did have a nice day today, I finally took LQ out to get her hair cut. When the stylist was done, she gave LQ a mirror and said "What do you think?" LQ said "Its perfect, thank you so much!"
Since LQ had so much hair to cut, it took longer than I had budgeted my time for. We went to the Town office and it was closed, and then headed to my friends house to visit.
The wind was howling! I couldn't believe it! Then it started pouring on the way home. I had to stop and get bread, and it was raining so hard I could barely see.
Hongo came home and we had dinner, and then we snuggled up in our bed while the kids played.
We all have to go to bed early tonight so that we can get up for tryouts tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't rain. And if it does, I REALLY hope it stops so that we can play softball on Sunday.
I jogged today, and I didn't have any pain in my back. I'm still a little nervous about lifting, so I will wait a few more days.
I went online and bought a few things from Victoria's Secret. Mostly tops since mine are wearing out. I can't wait until those arrive. Hongo helped me pick them out, so they are extra special for him :) and I guess whoever else happens to be looking, lol!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bummer of a day....

Rain is fine if I don't have plans...

It was so windy today that we didn't go to Park. So I hopped back into bed and napped. I talked to some friends on the phone, and then about 2pm I decided to take the kids to the library and the grocery store.
We went to our city library and I hate it there. I stood in line for 15 minutes trying to check books out because they don't have that automated system like the other libraries do. The librarian must have asked me 10 times "Do you want to check these books out?" I finally snapped at her and said "For the millionth time, YES!"
She probably tacked on a fake fine while she was messing in the computer.
Then we went to the grocery store and they were having an 8 hour sale and people...I swear I hate other people...were CUTTING in line at the meat department. Seriously - there is plenty of chicken for you, there are 50lb tubs of it lying behind the counter.
But everyone is all about themselves, their time and lives are so important, The lady who cut in front of me wanted to rush home and eat the entire contents of her fridge (or maybe she did that BEFORE she came) and the other lady who cut in front of me must have needed to go home for her meth fix...
*sigh* I suggested to the lady behind the counter that perhaps a number/ticket system would benefit their store on days like this.
I told Hongo that 20 centper pound savings on chicken is not worth that crap.
I found out tonight that the league is not planning on letting the teams practice until March 1st. That's so far away!
And tonight Hongo's game was canceled due to rain.
Today just wasn't my day, I guess.
But tomorrow I am going out to Apple Valley again to run some errands and visit friends. I have to pay for our Friday night team. Plus I am going to treat LegoQueen to a haircut. I'm tired of the look she's got going right now, and as long as the hair is long enough to pull back into a ponytail, she can get it cut and layered. Her hair is so thick I bet it will look great.
Oh and I think my back problem is more of a nerve problem. I have been stretching and walking, but today I went and pushed myself a little more and I had to sit down because my legs were twitching and moving around involuntarily.
We will see though - its killing me not being able to do any weight training.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

What a busy day!
I got an early morning phone call from my neighbor, asking me if I could change days. Instead of having the baby tomorrow, I could watch him today. I thought about it and decided yes - it would work out better for me.
So he came and I was busy making spaghetti, chicken pot pies and baking those cookies. So my kitchen looked like it had exploded!
We did have fun at the get-together, LegoQueen was thrilled to see her two friends (esp. the male one, she is still stuck on him) and everyone went home sugared up and happy.
Baby went home, and then Hongo walked in the door about 40 minutes later. He was home early, and I had parked in the middle of the driveway. oops!
No pictures today, but I was able to find Horseman's Center and now I know where it is. Maybe another time.
Tomorrow is Park Day, and I am looking forward to just hanging out and MAYBE I can get some knitting done! I need those gloves!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today was a long day. I woke up feeling sore and stiff and it took quite a bit of stretching to get going.
I did manage to accomplish quite a bit, so tomorrow is a free day for me. Which is good, because I have to bake cookies for a party that we are going to.
I had a friend come over today - she sat with me and we chatted for a couple of hours. She had never been to my house, and now she has!

Then I got an email today from a lady I know, kinda. She made a CarePage for her daughter who has Celieacs Disease. I don't know how to spell it, but from I gather, its not going very well. I guess her dr didn't notify her of the test results, and so the poor child has been going through a lot during that whole time. Sweet little girl, she has a unique name and a personality to match. I think she is about 9 or 10.
So I spent some time today making a little care package for her and I will drop it off sometime this week.
I don't know them all that well, but I figure if she thought it was okay to tell me about the problem, then it should be okay for me to gift something to the little girl.

Now I am ready for bed. I am going to try to visit a couple of parks tomorrow for some sight seeing. Maybe take some pictures.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Highs and Lows of Monday....

The highs:

-the baby came and was really good today. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was time for him to go home. Lots of smiles and happy screams.
-I got some really nice pictures of LegoQueen today. Still not what I envisioned for an annual portrait, but close.
-We managed to get the house back in order after the SuperBowl party. We have tons of leftovers though. Cleaning was quick and easy
- A week from today I will be spending my evenings practicing with my new junior girls!

The lows:
-I injured my back on Saturday (THE most pathetic injury ever, I am getting old) so moving around is difficult and painful. I SWEAR I wasn't playing softball at the time!!!
-My mom called to say my aunt is dying. We weren't close, but my mom was really broken up about it. I felt bad for her...she was just starting to get over my dad and now her only sister will be passing soon. They don't expect her to make it through the night.
- I have to wait an extra week to meet my new Pee-Wees and the coach for Drama Queens's team. Which means an extra week of "When do I meet my coach, mommy!?!?!"

Tomorrow is a new day...looking forward to it. The baby comes early, so I will go to bed early to make sure I get a ton of rest.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day Two....

Yesterday I logged Day 2 of no soda. It was Park Day, which means I usually treat myself to the 32oz, but I didn't. The baby wasn't too bad, he played by himself for a while before he wanted me to pick him up and take him out. And another mom entertained him so that I could eat.
When his dad came to pick him up, he said the baby has not been sleeping well. I think maybe his sleeping patterns are just changing and he is not adjusting well. Because when the baby screams, it is a tired kind of scream. I don't mind the kid being alert more often (I prefer it) but no screaming please!!!
But no worries, 3 days of no baby. Then I don't know what his mom's schedule is for next week.
Today I will be cleaning up and getting the house ready for Sunday.
Last night at the game it was frigid. I had on a lot of clothes plus my heavy coat and I was freezing. The men lost by mercy rule, but I don't think half of them really cared. After the game they were excited and putting together their plans for SuperBowl, and talking about softball tryouts on Saturday. My son was crying because he was so hungry (I need to start taking snacks again, because crying for food is silly) and the girls were freezing. I hope they learned their lessons, I TOLD them to get their heavy jackets and thermals on. DQ chose to put on thermals, but wore a very light jacket, and LQ nixed the thermals and chose a down vest instead a coat. What really made me mad was that she was complaining the most, and her heavy coat was in the car....I had DQ wrapped in my arms most of the game.
Its only going to get colder, so time to bring out the portable heaters and corn bags, lol!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The First Day....

Or should I say the worst day?

No, it wasn't the worst day ever. Just not ideal.
My babysitting kid cried today. For like an hour. It drove me nuts. Its hard when its not your kid.
I also spent my first day without any soda. My friend had sent me this thing about mercury being in the soda. Usually I will look around and research things like that but it really got me thinking...
It doesn't matter if there is mercury, or rat poison, or roadkill in my soda. Bottom line, is that it isn't healthy for me and I know it. I drink it purely for the sugar rush and nothing else.
So I didn't have any today, and I hope to not have any the next day or the one after that. I did drink grape juice (bleh) and indulged in a Starbucks hot chocolate this afternoon when I was out meeting a new homeschooling person. Not good for my sugar, but better than a soda.
Yes, my homeschooling friends, I have recruited another to come join our group, you will probably see her tomorrow. Nice lady, not exactly my ideal parent, but still - a parent who cares deeply about how her children grow up and their values.
Tomorrow is Park Day and I am looking forward to it. I need to finish my other glove!
I also need to drop off my adult videos to the library. Hope someone finds them educational (LOL!!!!)
Only 4 more days until SuperBowl (for some reason I messed up typing and it said Spermbowl, lol wonder how that happened) We went to the grocery store and bought the stuff, only to come home and check the mail and see 90% of the stuff go on sale today!!! Oh well....
Oh, and I filed my taxes last night. I have found that even though last year was crazy, i managed to keep pretty good records. So my numbers are pretty accurate. Oh and HAHA State of California - go ahead and give me a $45 IOU! I got smart and didn't let you take very much money from my hubby's paycheck like I used to!
Now pay my Father-in-Law and all the other people who ACTUALLY work for their paycheck instead of the ones who are waiting at home expecting one...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Good news!

I got both of the coaching positions that I wanted! I am so excited!
I can tell that Hongo is a little excited about this year too - he made sure to call up his friends and make sure they were in for the coaching...
They have been talking about going in and getting a pitching machine - tonight when Hongo got home he went out and measured the backyard.
Um, I guess we are getting a pitching machine! Its cool, as long as I get to use it too.
I measured today but I assume it is incorrect, otherwise I am a super body builder...
Its time for my monthly and water retention is a little high.

Now that we know about the teams, we were able to set a few dates for things. LegoQueens birthday party will be held on the 14th of February. I was just going to invite the usual suspects, along with her new best girlfriend, but LegoQueen has this HUGE list and it makes me scared to have the entire High Desert in my house. LOL, not really, but it feels like it!
Instead of letting a bunch of teens sit around and stare at each other, I am thinking we will at least do a scavenger hunt. They can work up a hunger, lol! Maybe a bounce house for the little ones too.
We also booked our date for the Dodger game so now I just need to get all the money from everyone.
I found my needles that I was looking for, so now I can finish LQ's sweater. I also have some gloves on needles and I started a baby cocoon today too.
Better get all my knitting out of the way before Feb 8th!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A New Week....

I hopped on the scale today and noticed that I am down 5 pounds. Part of me is happy and another part tells me i need to up my calorie intake.
I've been really good about the soda. I only had one each day this week. Tomorrow I will attempt to do without.

Yesterday's interview went well. All I need to do is wait. Isn't waiting the hardest part?

Today we played softball and I am sad to say I almost broke my arm. Actually, the ball almost broke it. I don't know what else to say except it took a bad hop. Everything else I did was fine. Hongo thought it had hit me in the chest and came running over to make sure I was alright.
So tonight I have my bottle of ibuprofen next to me. No bruising or swelling, but it hurts like a SOB. It has 2 weeks to heal though - it will be fine.
Its another busy week, and measure day is tomorrow. Looking forward to it, even though I did not get to work out as often as I would have liked.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can I have 10 dollars?

That is was Drama Queen said to me as I was standing at the game store waiting for the guy to give me my store credit. The man helping me started chuckling and trying to stifle it and appear like he was working.
Its okay, man - it had me laughing too. And when I answered her, it was as if she asked me for ten bucks every day.
The answer was "No", BTW....
What a busy week! With the holiday and everything, it feels like the week flew by. I can't believe it is Friday!
SO this weekend should be interesting. I lit the fire under Hongo's rear to get the garage cleaned up and cleared out. There will be a ton of things sitting out front or waiting to be hauled to Goodwill. I have some adult movies to give to the library too.(haha that is a special inside joke for B)
I'm so glad, because in the garage are several INSIDE projects that Hongo never completed. Like my downstairs bathroom lighting fixture....and the kitchen pull out shelf...and the beautiful bedroom paint.
I have an interview tomorrow for a coaching position. I'll be perfectly honest...I think we traded a board of people with their own agenda for another board with THEIR own agenda...
I know one of the ladies on the board, and she insists that its not true, but I can already see it coming.
Well, I know ONE thing. I personally have an agenda of my own. Its to make sure my kids have the best season possible as far as fun and learning go. That's it. And I'll push and shove anyone who stands in my way!
Sunday is coming up soon, and my toe still bleeds when I run. Gross! But only one more game and I am off for two weeks.
We are in the middle of planning our first SuperBowl party. I was so surprised when Hongo asked me what I thought about having one, and I was even more surprised to find out that I AM having one and there are 13 people invited so far. Including my five, that makes 18 people in this house!
Since I can't cook, I am in charge of drinks and snacks. YAY! EASY!
I think thats it for now - i have to go kick my family off my bed so that I can go to sleep. Sheesh, can't they congregate somewhere else????

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beautiful Sunday!

Today was so great! When we got to the field and started working out it felt so wonderful to be moving around.
I know my week was productive - I threw the ball harder and farther with less effort. Hitting surprised me - I barely got a hold of a pitch and I sent it to the outfield!
Running was another story....gotta work on that one...
But I won't be running anything week - I took a ball off the toe and it looks like I am going to lose the nail. Damn! I JUST grew that nail back too. But on the bright side, I have time before summer to heal and regrow the nail so I can wear sandals.
My teammate who is working with a personal trainer crushed the ball today - she is my idol!
Tomorrow is a measure day- I am so excited. I am down a size in pants, but I am more concerned about my upper body.
Oh and I did get in touch with my in-laws. They were downloading tax stuff all night and then Saturday my nephew got a new dog so they went to see him. She said nephew was happier than she had seen him in a long time. Well, when your parents are pieces of crap, then yes - a dog will make you thrilled because dogs are awesome. I am happy for him!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bad Bath...

The only way to effectively combat a bad bath is to have a good bath. Which is filling up right now. Yes, I realize that we are in a drought, and for probably the amount of water I am using in one day for two baths, I could probably shower my entire family numerous times.
But dang-it....I pay the bill, and if I want more water, I will use it. I promise to sit in a long time...until the scorching hotness is long gone and I am again in harmony..
Hongo has clean ears once again. The last time he had them flushed, LQ was a baby. I remember bouncing her on my leg while we waited outside the ENT office.
She's a little too big to bounce on my knee (okay a LOT big) now, and a lot more attitude, and a lot more teen angst. "Does he like me? Does my hair look right? I can't wear those shoes with these pants because it's the full moon!"
Ah, teens...
She will be turning 13 in less than a month. Scary.
Today one of my friends commented that the taller the kids get, that means we're getting older. I wonder what she'll say when our sons turn 13....will she tell them to stop growing so that she doesn't get any older????
Poor Hairy One, he can't afford to stop growing when he turns 12 like I did. That boy needs all the years of growth he can get! He did sprout 3 inches over the holidays - just enough to need new pants because the one I JUST bought were looking like capris.
What a fun weekend though - today we went to a birthday party and they have horses. So all the kids got pony rides. We had to leave before LQ got her turn, so the hostess told me that she would love to have LQ back to ride with her daughter. We'll see...LQ is just getting used to handling a horse, so it might be good for her to try on a different one.
Tomorrow we are playing softball, which I am totally looking forward to. The weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS, so maybe in the morning I will take my soon-to-be teen out and try to get an updated headshot for grandma's wall.
Speaking of the grandma (and papa) they have been unreachable for 1 full day. I tried to call them last night, then this morning, and now its night again. I know I JUST talked to her, but its not like her to not want to know exactly what is going on with her son. Plus they didnt mention that they were going anywhere last night or this weekend...

Friday, January 16, 2009

back at urgent care....

crazy bean....she is the only one without a DS (besides hongo and myself) so we are trying to keep ourselves entertained while we wait for hongo. i dont have anything to knit because i left the needles that i need at home :(
i am trying desperately to not touch anything because of all the sickies here.
he is having severe ear pain so that is why we are here. we did have a chance to eat dinner at el torito which was nice.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Is it time for bed yet? No? Okay....

Today was long and tiring. My first day back with the baby and it was tiring. I took the girls to their horseback riding lessons, and I ended up chatting with my friend while rocking and trying to feed an inconsolable baby.

Better luck next week.

Other than that, things are going well. The swelling on my bite has gone down and is almost gone completely. I exercised today and my abs are soooo sore from the workout yesterday. I did discover that my flexibility is improving - I can touch my knuckles to the floor while my heels are touching each other.

I have reduced my sugar intake, and today I ate a small candybar because I forgot to pack a snack (the candy bar had peanuts in it - that counts as protein, LMAO!) and I could barely finish it :( it was too sweet.
I forgot to add in - I bought a new sweater from VS. Its one of those long, wrap around sweaters in gray tweed. It looked good in the picture, and I couldn't resist the price (clearance and I had a 50% of one item coupon). I received a similar sweater for my birthday and I love it so much, can't wait to wear this one!

Tomorrow is a new day - looking forward to heavy sleep tonight and a great day tomorrow....except for the ab workout, lol.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Day back at Softball....

Today was our first game of the season. We kicked a$$. Something like 20-1. We had a lot of fun, we played against a team where we pretty much know all the players, and the manager of it is the husband of one of our players.
Yesterday I popped my hip out of joint while putting on my pants (sad, I know) so moving today was difficult and painful.
After talking to a few of my teammates, we all pretty much have the goal of getting in shape. One gal is already super-buff, so she is our leader. Myself and the first baseman want to develop better upper body strength, and the other gal wants to lose some weight and build muscle. So we are going to stick together and share our progress on weights.
I have been working on strength training, but results are coming by slowly. Of course, I am still stuck on drinking 2 Pepsi a day, but my goal is to get rid of that habit and go back to drinking water.
I used to NEVER drink soda. I might have one if I was eating at my in-laws, or with Thanksgiving Dinner, but that was it. I think I picked up the habit after the Hairy One was born. Three kids, especially one that would never sleep at night, just took a toll on me.
No excuses for it now, except that it is just an addiction. My son is 6 now. So its time to kick the habit.
I generally track my progress via how my clothes fit instead of numbers on the scale. So I won't have any numbers to count down...just measurements on the arms, chest, and waist.
I did lose 5 pounds when I did my recent cleanse, so now is a good time to start fresh.
Tomorrow I will buy a new curling bar, since I have a ton of weights in the garage, just no bar.

Back to the game, I got on base 4 times, but only 2 actual hits. The other two times the other team made an error. So I am pleased.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3 things....


My dad likes to visit my dreams every so often. The last time we talked, he learned the shocking truth that he is in fact dead.
Actually that is not true, I saw him briefly in a nightmare a few days back that was totally weird and wasn't the same as the previous dream or this one that I just had.
I was in a house...don't recognize it, but my dad's family was there. We were supposed to be eating, but I refused because I grew up watching my aunts cook in filthy kitchens and now as an adult it makes my stomach turn. My dad's sister is yelling at me, and saying mean things to me, and all I am doing is smiling at her. And it makes her more and more angry that I keep smiling, so I continue doing it.
I go in search of something to drink, and there are all these strange rooms that are dark, and they smell like mold. I am looking for bottled water (again, the filth issue)
and I finally come across a lit room with a small tv, and a bathroom attached. Ugh. the bathroom is nasty, with crud in the corners and the toilet doesn't work well. I turn on the faucet and a little dribble of water came out, so I turned it off. I leave the bathroom and my dad is sitting on the bed, watching the little flickering tv. I sat down and we started having a conversation.
He told me that he is free to visit people whenever he wants, so he drops in on them from time to time (like he is doing to me right now??)
Then he got mad at me for not turning off the faucet completely. Apparently he installed it himself backwards, and so the handle must turn to the left, not the right. Sheesh... No mention of the fact the toilet doesn't work or anything.
I have the nerve to ask him where the bottled water is. it was really important to me! He tells me there isn't any, just Coke. No ice, no straws, heck - NO CUPS! I tell him that at my house we have all those things, and I have grown accustomed to having them. He laughed and said straight from the can is the only way to go. Yes, Mr Diabetes!
He told me that it was good seeing me, but that he had to go back to watching the little tv. I got a bear hug and when I opened my eyes to look at him, he was gone again. And the little tv was turned off.

What does it all mean?? That I need to clean the toilet more often? Don't waste water? Switch from Pepsi to Coke???
I don't know, but I think we have a better relationship now that we don't actually interact in the now.


Today while I was sitting in Urgent Care (stay tuned if you want to know what the heck I was doing at urgent care!) the earth started rockin' and the huge building with many many floors was shaking!
The receptionist looked like she was trying to find a place to hide. Hongo grumbled that he wished the place had a TV so he could watch the Bowl game that he was missing.
It apparently is a 4.5 centered in San Bernardino. I wondered what it felt like up the hill at home.


Okay, this is the scoop....
Yesterday I was getting dressed and I put on my clothes and felt a pinch. I pulled them off and there was a little black ant in there. Ever since the snow, we have had tons of ants in our sinks and around the doors. Anyway - the little shit bit me and it hurt! And it itched like crazy!
I finally stopped scratching it becaue I knew I wasnt doing myself any favors. I went out, worked out, took a shower, went to bed, got up this morning, got dressed, went to park, and then came home. After dinner I felt really sick to my stomach and I was going to go walk on the treadmill and the bite started hurting again. I told Hongo "hey I just want to let you know I got bit, and it hurts." So he said "let me see" So I show him and there is swelling and bruising around the area, and then a red line going up my body.
HOngo says "ummmmm, that doesnt look good. let's go to the dr"
SO we drive all the way down to the dr and it turns out I have a major infection. I have to take these ginormous white antibiotics for the next 10 days. IF my red line doesn't disappear in 3 days ,I am to go straight to the hospital. I don't pass GO, or collect $200...just straight to ER. The red line had better leave - I have a softball game on SUNDAY!!!!
ANd one last detail..the bite is on a personal area. There was no way I could just show the dr real quick. No, I had to wear the dressing gown. *sigh* and to make it worse, I had to show it to like 3 people and let them examine it. GREAT.....

Maybe my dad will show up tonight and give me some kind of advice on how to get rid of it....lol.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life Lessons...

This morning I went out, determined not to get stressed out or angry or anything. Instead, I asked myself, "What is this trying to teach me?"

The results:

A lady almost hit LQ with her shopping cart and then yelled at LQ for being in the way. Now I didn't witness it, and it was probably a good thing (mess with my kid and I would have shoved that lady's cell phone down her throat)
What I learned: Some people are always going to be stuck in the habit of blaming others instead of looking to themselves for what they could have done differently. We are all in control of our we create our lives. I explained to LQ that she wasn't totally faultless, she was walking around with her IPOD headphones in her ears and probably not focusing or hearing the cart approaching.
Oops, I almost got a little too angry on that one....lol..
We got in line and happened to choose the one where the customer didn't have all of her govt benefits items in order, and a manager had to be called. We waited in line a long time... and the other people in line were making nasty comments
What I learned: I can be patient, and used the opportunity to reinforce my childrens knowledge of the word "NO" when they each asked me for those nasty conversations hearts that are so conveniently stacked at the register. The boy had the nerve to ask 3 times. I answered a couple of texts, and checked my email.

Over all, I learned that I should stick with grocery shopping in the morning while most people who tend to drive me crazy are still sleeping.

LQ has asked for specific books for her birthday from a specific author
What I learned: I should stop being so critical of what she is reading and just be grateful that she is reading again and loving it. Mysteries may not be my favorite, but I'm not the one who has to read them!!!
We ran out of eggs this morning
Now we have cartons to use for a planting project. I have seeds and soil so we will raise the seeds indoors and then transplant when the weather is nicer!