Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The sweetest thing....

I should really be washing my car and getting ready for tonight, but I had to sit and post this in my blog so I can look back and remember one day.

My kids are staying at my in-laws' house tonight, and MIL just came and picked them up. I gave them all hugs good bye and they left.
5 minutes later, my two little ones are back at the front door. "We forgot our DS's!" so they run inside and grab them. DramaQueen hops back in the truck and The Hairy One was still upstairs looking for a charger. When he finally cam down, I said to him, "you better hurry, the truck is leaving!" He ran out the door but stopped on the porch. He turned around and said in THE sweetest voice "Mommy, I want to kiss you goodbye!"
So I said "Come here!" and he kissed me and hugged me tight. I told him "I love you, Buddy." and he said, "I love you too, Mommy!
As he got in the car, I heard him tell my mother in law "I really needed to kiss my mommy goodbye." and then he slammed the door shut.

And so someday I know that I won't get hugs and kisses everytime my son leaves the house. But some lucky woman will, and I will be so happy.

Today is our 14th wedding anniversary, so today as I revel in the love my children and I have, tonight I will celebrate the love that got it all started.

I love my Hongo!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!
(Wow. That actually made me tear up a bit. I think we all have a special place in our heart for our little boys.)