Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Happy anniversary to Hongo and I. 12 years. Thank you, Thank you.

Sometimes I wonder how we got this far without me killing him. Or him killing me. That just shows we work well together.

I feel sad for people who always grumble about their spouses. And I don't mean the little stuff - I mean people who are genuinely unhappy with their significant other and always have to find somthing negative. We know a few people who are like that. Sure, I complain because my husband snores like someone is stealing his air....or that he is so anti social that we don't ever get invited anywhere....but what it all boils down to is that I really like him for who he is. He makes me happy, and I would like to think I make him happy too. And because we are happy, he'll put up with my crap and I'll put up with his :D

But celebrating your anniversary on Easter Sunday is difficult. The last time our anniversary fell on Easter, we bought a car and went to my dad's house. I was pregnant with Drama Queen, and I was able to meet my cousin's new husband. He wasn;t a lawyer at the time, just a kid making his way through college.
SO back to today....we decided to go out to eat to celebrate. I knew where Hongo wanted to go (to all my friends, just know that *I* did not want to go there, but I love this man) so we went to Olive Garden.
Our Olive Garden sucks, and today was no different. Today we got our food so fast that we were unable to enjoy our soup and bread. And the server started clearing our places WELL before we were finished. We took her hint, though and left quickly.

I also jumped right back into my knitting. After seeing the size of my last failed project, I removed 12 stitches from this new one. So now I will be lucky if this thing fits Hairy Boy. Dangit! But I'll get it - I know I will. Still having trouble with the backwards stitches, but I got myself an interesting and step by step tutorial and I hope to get some help on Thursday. Until then, I'll just continue making the thing longer and longer to pass the time. Watch - Hairy Boy is going to have full leg socks *snort*

Oh, and here is my latest "What were my kids thinking" episode:
We had been watching a baseball game in the loft, passing time until it was time to go eat at the restaurant. H Boy came into the loft with a large red mark on his face - directly under his eye, in his cheek area. Hongo said "What happened to your face? Did you fall?" and H Boy said "No, *DramaQueen* was sucking on my face."

OMG, WHAT??? So my son had this gigantic hickey on his face, given to him by his sister. And apparently he didn't mind that she was sucking on his face. Drama Queen said she was "eating him" and Hongo sent her to her room.

So after the initial shock, and we are able to calm down, I went to her room to ask her why she did it.

Her blue eyes welled up with HUGE tears, and she said, "Because I am SO hungry."
Oh goodness, I tried to keep from busting a gut right then and there. I told her that is she was so hungry, we have snacks. Really. And we are going out to eat really soon, did she think she could manage not trying to eat...ME, for example?

I guess I am raising a cannibal. Now no one will want to come to our house for fear of being eaten. Thankfully she didn't do this to one of her friends when they were here last Friday!


Sancy said...

Poor Drama Queen!! Don't you ever feed her??? ROFLMAO!!!! Snicker Snicker Snicker!! Ok, I so needed that story this morning!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!! The kids are so, so funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
Come to knitting on Wednesday and I will help you !!

Carleigh said...

Omygosh!! That cracked me up. Poor DQ and HB. :)