Today was Opening Day! The kids were so excited! Well, Hairy Boy wasn't so excited -he didn't want to wear his uniform. But he got over it quickly and we went to the park.
The ceremony was awful. Poorly planned, and I never knew Mrs. Davies was such a PITA. All the kids on the team were really good for me, one cried for his mama, and one had to go to the restroom a few minutes before we were set to be called up. But for the most part they were good.
I have a special needs child on my team. He belongs to the rude lady I spoke of a few days ago. I saw her today - man, is she a peach. *rolling eyes* Her son is very sweet, just needs some firm discipline. His uncle thinks I am wonderful, and we are on the same page as far as expectations for this child. He made it clear that I will see him (uncle) more often than I will see Mom. That is great!
The game was fun - the kids and I stretched, and we ran. Fielding was pretty darn good, and the batting was even better. Today's lineup ran from number 1 to 12 order and so Hairy Boy was last. He loved running the bases, but he is so slow that the other team would leave the field before he was done.
All the excitement of the day took its toll, and I came home and took a nap. When I woke up, the kids were crashed out on the couch, lol. I made dinner, and just before I served it, the phone rang. It was Mr SA's wife, calling about the adult softball team. I need a nickname for her - she is really nice, not fitting to be known as Mrs Super A$$.
Anyhow, she called to let me know that there was a game tomorrow. Not very details followed to satify my questions. I hung up and Hongo and I discussed it. He made it clear he only wanted to play if his friend plays. I know it sounds kind of childish, but one must really understand what kind of person he is. So I called Mrs SA back and we talked. I asked if I should call my other coach and see if he wanted to play as well. She said sure.
So I really think Hongo is going to do this. We went out and bought him some cleats, jogging pants, and I found some pants for DramaQueen, who seems to enjoy putting holes in the knees of her jeans.
Tomorrow the kids and I will accompany Hongo to his game and from there we will go to a birthday party. DramaQueen is excited about the gift she picked out for the birthday girl.
I will update this entry with some pictures.
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