Monday, April 9, 2007

Soooooo cute!

Can I just say one more time that my T-Ball kids are sooooooo CUTE! OMG I could play with these kids all day! I even made a new little friend today. She wrapped her arms around my leg and told me I was the "funnest teacher EVER"
TO be honest, I was kind of dreading taking on a new team. I wondered what I got myself into, and wondered if I could handle a bunch of 6/7 year olds. But I am glad I did it, and one of the parents asked if I would take on their 5 year old son too. I said yes, but that it was up to the director. She said no, and the parents were disappointed. I told them their son was welcome to practice with our team.
I don't know what the problem is with the city league. In my Little League, kids move teams alot, especially in my division. You order a new shirt and hat...DONE. But the city league won't do that. How hard is it to order a few more shirts? I had to threaten not to manage in order for Hairy Boy (who is 4) to be put on MY team. The rules state that a parent can move UP a child, but when a lot of us asked, we were told no.
I don't know, that is probably why I am not in charge of anything. I'd take all the kids who asked to be on my team, lol. Maybe it stems from the fact that I've lost 4 girls this year, and only 3 were replaced, leaving me with 10 players. I am going to juuuuust make it tomorrow and Thursday with enough girls. I'll have 9. I hope no one else is unable to make it.

I know I keep saying this, but we are ALMOST done with the tile. One more piece has to go up on the backsplash, the rest of it is ready to be grouted. I can't grout tomorrow, because MIL is coming and bringing Hongo's nephew. We are celebrating Easter. I can't grout, because I need the counters to put the candy and food on. So I am hoping for Wednesday. I can make dinner and serve it upstairs, and MAYBE, just MAYBE I will be able to go to knitting night. Hongo said we would see. LOL I feel like one of the kids...."if you do all your chores, and behave, THEN you can go."

Except I have keys, and my kids don't.

So today was my lucky day....I think all the planets aligned just for me. I met up with the person I was hoping to turn some paperwork in to, I saw my favorite umpire in the parking lot, his daughter is playing city league too so we will see each other this Saturday at Opening Day, my T-ball practice was awesome, my tile is almost finished, my fishtank is clean, and the house is ready for the family to come over tomorrow. Oh, and the instructions on making a heel flap clicked for me too, so if I CAN go to knitting night on Wednesday, my friend K will have an easier time trying to teach me :D

I'm riding a wave, because this morning really stunk. I woke up feeling so sick, and I have this cold sore that I am trying to get rid of. I am so anal about keeping it clean to avoid passing it on to my family. No kisses (which just about kills me - I can't smooch my Hairy Boy and DramaQueen) and my hands are so dry from washing them so often.

I hope I can ride my wave a little longer :D


Anonymous said...

Oh yay! I hope you can make it !

Anonymous said...

Well, if you are going to make it. Then I guess I can leave my husband alone too! Wouldn't that be something? To have a conversation without our little ones running around???