Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What day is it?

I lost a day somewhere.

Yes, I know yesterday was Monday. We had practice and then on the way home the sponsorship coordinator (who is AWFULLY nice to me *wink*, despite knowing I am married ) called my cell phone (Hongo answered, cuz he had the phone) and wanted me to pick up my uniforms and game schedule.
It became a chaotic nightmare, because he told me that if I didn't come get my stuff that night, I would have to go through my coordinator to get it. Well, I'd rather stab myself in the eye than talk to that woman, so I relented and went to his house to pick it up. I took LegoQueen with me, at Hongo's insistance.
We arrive and it was a madhouse. They had my schedule, and my paperwork. But no uniforms. I had to get in a separate line to get my game balls. I looked at my game schedule and almost had a heart attack. We have a game this Saturday and no one told me. I was waiting around for uniforms and I overheard Sponsor Guy saying that they were 30 minutes away. I asked him to repeat that, and he confirmed that my uniforms were 30 minutes away!!!! So I was honest. I said "Listen Curt, I am starving and I'm not happy right now. I just got done with a practice where I was running around with 10 little girls. I'm going home to eat, and I'll be back."
So LegoQueen and I went home, ate, and then went back. I was feeling much better, but I could tell Curt wasn't. He was overwhelmed and frustrated. I took my uniforms, and since he was busy with someone else, I didn't have the chance to thank him for opening up his home to the league for gear handout.
I emailed him today. I had two questions that needed to be answered, and he also wears the hat of "Umpire in Chief" In the email I thanked him for letting the league invade his house and apologized for my grumpiness.

You know, I get grumpy when I am hungry....Hongo might volunteer to say that I am hungry OFTEN, lol.

So then this is where I lost track of the days. I was talking to my team mom on the phone, giving her info about the game schedule and uniforms. She said that barring any weather difficulties, will we get uniforms tomorrow. I told her no, I would hand them out Wednesday.

Duh, Kim.

I have to admit - looking over the schedule, I am very happy. It appears that the few Saturday games we have will not interfere with DramaQueen and Hairy Boy's game schedules. YEAH!!!!

SO everything is messed up. I mowed my lawn today, and I kept thinking "I'm only a day late, and the grass is LONG!" But no - I am TWO days late. I thought I had tomorrow to go to the grocery store to pick up sale items, but I don't. The good thing is that Hongo got paid today, so I went and paid all of my bills before I lose anymore days, lol.

Let's hope I make it to Park Day...

Oh, and for you local gals.....

We are re-tiling the kitchen counters. We started with the island, and made it a little bigger. Actually, its not as big as I would have liked, but its big enough so that the little ones can eat together like they did at the table. We are getting rid of the IKEA table and its wobbly legged chairs! Actually, they could be tightened, but Hongo never liked the table anyway and would rather get rid of it.
Next are the counters - no more tiny 4x4 white tiles. I chose the color "Desert Mist" (pretty fitting for our area, huh?) and it just gives a warm look to the kitchen. I have to find a new sink though - a drop in sink. You all will have to come over and marvel at my counters, lol! And the kicker - we are tiling it ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! It sounds great! I love home projects. Most of the stuff done at our house are by my husband.
The tile in our entryway and dining room is Nevada Sands. My neighbors liked it so much they had the same tile put in.
Keep track of the days! The kids and I would be so disappointed if you guys don't go to Park!