I'll admit it - I'm addicted to the Internet, lol.
Anyway - the main purpose of this entry is my knitting. I have been working on a handy dandy little elbow warmer. That's right - something to keep my elbow warm. Trouble is, I tried it on, and its too big for me. SO if its too big for me, its too big for my kids' arms. And Hongo has already made it clear that his elbows don't need warming.
So its gonnna have to go on a leg. But not MY leg - its too big, unfortunately. Maybe I can convince one of the kids to wear it....uh, like LegoQueen. Because let's be honest, her legs are the only ones probably big enough to fit.
Here it is...(drumroll please)
So there it is... my current project. And since I knit super slow, if I refrain from any NEW projects, I should be finished with 2 of these by Christmas....
How creative you are! I'm impressed but lol a/b them being to big!
Maybe by Christmas when your finished they'll fit someone's legs or elbows!! LOL
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