Aren't they cute?
How about another?
Okay, you are probably wondering..."What is with all the cats, Kim?" It was inspired by a conversation we ladies were having at the park today. The topic was friends and family would are compulsive email forwarders. But one of my friends mentioned that her father in law would send pictures of kitties to her husband. I almost peed in my pants. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to burst something. I mean, come on - who doesn't love kitties? But sending them to your adult son? Bizarre.
Today my family proved that they could truly become more of a pain in my rear than ever before. First, my uncle James called to tell me that my mean aunt (the one who said the nasty stuff behind my back) was in a car accident. Apparently she was rear ended on the freeway. She had head trauma, fractrured ribs, and a broken collarbone. Then I was on the phone with my uncle Angel, and we talked about stuff and I gavehim the update. Then James called back just before we were heading out to give me all the hospital info. What did I do? I wrote it all down, left it on the counter, and headed out to the park! Hey, in my defense, we were attending park to celebrate a birthday! And sorry- I'm not about to drive an hour to a hospital to visit someone who hates me.
So, like I said before - we had a great time. The weather was gorgeous, and the company was great. We talked abuot kitty pictures and stupid email jokes, how winter missed our area this year, and a multitude of other things. You never know where the conversation will go.
OH yeah - my family. I asked James if there was anything I could do, and he said yes - I could hold off on my ash ceremony until my aunt was better. I told him that was quite a request to be making, considering the grief that she put me through, and the fact that I need my own closure. I was not under the blissful misconception that my dad was sitting in the urn at the funeral. I told him I would think about it.
Then tonight I was talking to my mom. My little cousin Melanie wants some ashes to spread at .....are you sitting down?......THE HORSE TRACK! I am so glad that I was on the phone, because I just started shaking and I told my mom "NO." Flat out, NO. She started to say that it would only be a little bit, and it was one of my dad's favorite place. I don't care - you aren't taking my dad's ashes to the horsetrack. NO! A cemetary is okay, the horse track is not.
So now I know that I will definitly keep these ashes. I can just envision my family dividing up Dad between all of them. Everyone gets a piece! Sick.
No dad memories tonight - I feel sick to my stomach over this whole thing.
1 comment:
Nice kitties! :P
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