Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Its always something...

Yesterday everything was going smoothly...

we had just finished DQ's practice, gone home and picked up Hongo, and then arrived at a meeting for adult softball. The kids and I went to the park, and then I went over to watch a softball game.
LQ brought the Hairy One to me, SCREAMING and crying. He said he hit his face. A quick look over at him, there weren't bruises, blood, or anything. So I picked him up and carried him around for a bit, and then settled on the bleachers to watch the game.
He started crying again, so I took him inside the community center and offered to buy him a treat from the vending machine. It was broken, so when I came back to tell him, I noticed his face looked funny on one side. It was swollen and hard as a rock!
I knew he had a cavity on that side, and we were due to go in this Friday and have it filled. After another 10 minutes, I finally interrupted the meeting and told Hongo we had to leave and take the boy in. He was in too much pain, and was becoming very tired and disoriented. He kept yelling at me to stop touching his face, and I wasn't.
Poor thing.
We got him in right away and they prescribed him antibiotics.
by the time we got home we were all tired and hungry, so we bought some in and out.
He kind of goes in spurts, he will feel fine and play, and then the next minute he is is crying and in pain.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby!

Sancy said...

Poor guy! Hope it's feeling better soon!

La La Rabbit said...

bummer for little guy!
Hope he is on the mend..

Anonymous said...

Poor guy. I know how it is. You know my kids and their dental problems. Well, Sidekick still. At least Bionicle Boy has his adult teeth in and they are doing good. There is hope!