Monday, October 22, 2007

Recovering from the weekend....

oooooooh my legs and arms hurt soooo badly!

On Saturday we started on our home improvement project finish up. We had a whole list of stuff to do. We got TWO things off that list done, and Hongo didn't do either of them! I grouted the kitchen countertops (FINALLY) and my FIL hung the nw light fixture. Hongo added his own project - moving the TV back down stairs. UGH. We lugged that stupid thing back downstairs and he spent all afternoon re-drilling holes and rewiring everything. I swear- that TV is not going back upstairs. I will buy a new one before I ever do that again.
We spent all evening trying to put the house back together again.
On Sunday, I tried to finish up all the leftover stuff. Everyone else slept in. I finished putting away the gigantic pile of laundry, only to have to put in another load. *sigh*
We took a break to play softball. First practice, then the game. It was a great game - lots of action and we both did pretty well. Hongo had the game winning hit (a homerun over the fence) and I was on base and the winning run.
We came home and i was tired. But we still went out with our family friends to play another round of softball at the park. We had a good time.
After the park, I made a run to the grocery store for some things I needed to make dinner. After dinner, we all bathed (SEPARATELY!) and retreated to the master bedroom to watch SpongeBob. After we sent the kids to bed, Hongo and I watched Night at the Roxbury and I think I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Today I have barely sat down to relax. Same old morning chores, and then I had to call the city to straighten out a stupid mess, and then they told me I had to go down there!
Since we did not make it to Target or Costco yesterday, I decided we should go today. After we went to City Hall, we went to Costco and saw the "M" family there. I turned down the aisle and there they were! Mr. M must be pretty scary, because my little ones did not utter a peep in his presence. LegoQueen was ultra embarrassed, why I do not know. She better get used to seeing her future father in law, lol! Actually, her behavior was rather embarrassing. When will it end?????
I'm glad we saw them, because Mrs M reminded me that knitting night is tonight! Gaaaaa! I completely forgot!
I was planning on relaxing at home, but maybe I will go hang out there instead.

I need a nap, but there isn't time!


Anonymous said...

Yes, that Mr. M is pretty scary! I think Mrs. M is scarier, though!LOL!! Hope to see you at knitting later!

Carleigh said...

your sunday sounded awesome. i used to love days like that. i'm wondering if i'll ever have them again.