This one was my favorite:

Its not the best picture ever, but I like it.
The crucifix belonged to the child's grandmother, and they wanted it in the picture. I also did some of her in the dress, but they didn't come out as well as I had hoped.
Little sister got some pictures done too:

She is such a little ham!
Anyway, as you can see from my previous post, I said goodbye to a dear friend today. We were in the middle of a fast food restaurant hugging and bawling our eyes out. Her family is moving to Las Vegas tomorrow.
Her oldest daughter was my DramaQueen's first friend. DramaQueen could not communicate well and was painfully shy, but little Amanda never gave up. She hugged and loved on my daughter soooo much and helped to bring her personality out. Then when our paths crossed again years later in cheerleading, there was little Amanda - still with her outgoing and loving personality.
Her son, Jacob was in love with LegoQueen the day he laid eyes on her. He has finally accepted that LQ isn't really interested, and has since prided himself on being a great friend and excellent playmate who gives LQ as much as LQ gives him.
And who can forget little Jessica? She would scream everytime they left, force hugs on my son (who doesn't like being touched by anyone but mama) and always had a hug and kiss waiting for me.
I will miss them sooooo much, but I know we will still see each other in the future. I wish their family the best of luck in their new state, and I hope they make lots of friends and have as much fun with them as we always did together.
I should have some pictures by tomorrow that my friend took of us, and some that LQ took too.
BEAUTIFUL Kim!! You captured a special momment for her. It's very good!!!
I will miss Caryn too. I secretly kept hoping that she would change her mind at the last minute. I think she had made some good friends here. Now who is going to make me some good salsa???
Thanks Geana! My friend called today to say she loved it and wants me to do some more.
B, I was hoping she would change her mind too.... but not to worry - we are getting salsa for Christmas!!! WOO HOO!!!
I will miss Caryn too! Boohoo I never got a jar of salsa lol I'm glad to have met her.Those pics came out really nice Kim.
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