Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just gotta BRAG....

I swear, I do not force my youngest son to do any "school". He HATES "school", he won't sit down and write, and he refuses to be in the same room as his sisters when they are doing lessons.

Well, I just got home from a softball game, and he was sitting in my room with LQ's flashcards. Hongo is on the computer, and our son is sitting there saying:

8 plus 6 is 14.
9 plus 7 is 16.
10 plus 10 is twenty plus 11 is 31.

and he goes on and on. I turned to Hongo and said "Did you make him do that?!!" He said no, that HB went and got them out of the supply cabinet himself.

Then HB announces "Ugh! I keep getting these RIGHT!" As if its a BAD thing, lol.

Its funny, because I had just been at the game talking to a friend about homeschooling. She was wondering how it was going now that I had added another student (a la DramaQueen). I told her it was going well for the girls, and that HB was really taking off in the math department, but refused to do anything else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your last two entries are perfect examples of what homeschooling is really like! You and the kids have lots of friends. So that totally debunks the myth of homeschoolers being "isolated"! It is beautiful how HB is discovering math. It is great how it is something fun for him. We'll see you and the kids at Park!.(I am washing your blanket right now! I will tell you about that tomorrow. It is okay, nothing bad. Dont' be worried!)