Monday, July 16, 2007

Is today Monday?

Yeah - I just checked. Its Monday. The days fly by too fast.

We went to the park today. We had to leave early b/c I let the kids run in the sprinklers and they got SOAKED.

We didn't make it to the library today - just errands like the grocery store, Target, and gas station. That's okay- we'll make it there sometime this week...
You know - I soooooo want a family pic done. Like right now. Of course its practically dark out and I would prefer it be in some lush background setting....but you know what I mean.
I want a print to hang in my house and have it include ALL three of my kids. We haven't had one done since I was pg with the Hairy One. Hongo still hasn't hung up the pictures that WERE up but were taken down when we painted.

I chatted on the phone with one of my friends today. I think it was a really good conversation....she is really good at putting things in perspective. She's Hispanic too, so she can relate to a lot of the same things that I deal with in regards to my own family.

I've picked back up on exercising. I have 7 weeks to tone up for FL. Actually, I have less time, because I am going for a full physical before that. I want my dr to reassure me that I'm not going to drop dead at 49.
Speaking of my dad, I was reading an article about some drug that is used to treat diabetes that has negative side effects for the heart. Um, not sure if Dad was using that drug or not, its a little late now. But its one of those things that makes you go "Hmmmm."
Anyway, I am currently making a solid effort to fit exercise in. And do it creativly so that I don't get bored.

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