The kids were pretty tired from yesterday's events, so instead of plowing through lessons first thing int he morning, we opted to take a walk to the park. The girls took their scooters, and I pushed the Hairy (and HEAVY) One in the stroller.
Along the way we stopped to inspect the fire hydrant, landscaping, etc. It took us a while to reach the park. The girls played and just before we left I asked for some photography indulgance, and the above photo is my fav. Please excuse the giant "DO NOT COPY" on it, I've been having trouble with my "family" saving my photos and then posting them and saying my kids are relatives that they aren't. I don't have any brothers or sisters, my kids can't possibly be your neice or nephew or DUH your little sis.....
Yesterday I said goodbye to my girls softball team. I really tried hard to not be emotional - I almost lost it when I was giving my coaches their plaques. I know there are girls that I will still see on Sunday and during the summer, but most of them are moving on to other things. They all have a special place in my heart, they are my Angels and I look forward to seeing their faces next year on Opening Day.
That's not to say there isn't still drama going on, lol - but its going to be taken care of eventually.
No practice today, and so we just took it easy. I took the opportunity to catch up on a few things....my weeding in the front yard for one. I went over and caught up with my neighbor. I wasn't sure if I should mention anything about May 5th being the anniversary of his son's death - so i kept my mouth shut. I'm a month late anyway - tomorrow will be the 5th.
I called my mom to return the phone call she gave me on Mother's Day....um yes I am THAT behind! We chatted for about an hour. Again, the whole copying of my stuff and my family is going on. How hard is it to call me and say "kim, can you please make us a copy of _____?" or "I really like that photo of _____, can you send me a copy?"
Kim would gladly oblige if she was asked nicely.
*sigh* But alas, its always about them.
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