Monday, June 18, 2007

Fun day!

Originally uploaded by momto3pumpkins
What a day!

THis morning we went to the park and the kids modeled in exchange for play time. You can view the photos at my flickr:

We came home and did some clean up and baked Daddy his favorite cake (goodness knows he'll appreciate it tonight- he needs some comfort food right now, more on that later)

We have some exciting news to share with everyone. No, I am NOT pregnant, that is NOT exciting , that is SCARY, lol!!!!

Our news is that LegoQueen made the AllStar team for softball. We got the call Friday night and today was her first practice. I love the manager that she has, we are good friends and he is soooo patient yet firm with her. I told the other coach today that LQ is stoked to be there, and wants to absorb as much as possible. I was told that it is very evident that she is eager to learn, and she is already capturing the hearts of the coaching staff.

But the downside is that the practices are VERY long and frequent, and while i don't mind sitting at the park for hours, I am concerned about dinners for the week. I am limited on my cooking skills and I need to figure out some make ahead dinners that we can just reheat when we get home. I should be good for the next 2 days but after that....I don't know.
I am also hearing that our team will not play in the local tournament, so the team will have about a month to practice and get to know each other and work together.

Other than that, things are going really well.

We have also started planning our vacation out to Florida this year. We will be gone sometime in September for about a week. Woo Hoo! Can't wait!

I'm also in the planning stages for a garage sale. I've got a ton of stuff to sell that is just taking up space in the garage and in the shed. It is my goal to have more room in the shed by November.

And if you all can keep my Hongo in your thoughts for right now...he's been feeling pretty icky lately and he just told me about it today. Its enough to make him agree to see a dr ASAP, and if urgent care wasn't closed, we would be down there right now. We will probably go tomorrow night if I can't get him an appointment with our regular dr. I am looking positivly and feeling like its probably nothing serious, but you never want to take those kinds of chances with your health, you know?

Oh, and before I forget....
I made it through Father's Day. Fathers' Day 1995 was the day I found out I was pg with LegoQueen. We had been at a picnic with my family and i was cuddling my cousin's baby girl. My dad told everyone "Look at Kim - she's a natural mom." That night Hongo said that seeing me with the baby was pretty neat and that we should try for our own. I was surprised (Hongo was never really into having kids, but I wasn't gonna argue!) So we went to Wal-Mart and bought ovualtion kits and pg tests. I took one test and had to tell Hongo that the ovulation kit was unnecessary - we already had a baby made.
I called my dad the next day to tell him the good news, and to say that he had jinxed me, lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope everything is okay with Hongo. Keep us posted. Congrats to Lego Queen!!!