I better get started before the kids finish breakfast, lol.
Well, first off - yesterday DramaQueen went to the dentist. Its a pediatric dentist office, so they have colorful walls and lots of toys to play with. MIL was going to come and watch LQ and HB while I took DQ to the dentist. But I worried myself sick about using the N2O gas that I threw up - literally threw up twice. Once as my MIL was arriving. I came down the stairs and I was crying and Hongo was on the phone telling me I didn't have to go.
We decided that MIL would take us, since I was not in any condition to drive.
DramaQueen did an AWESOME job. She was very quiet, did everything that the dentist told her too, and didn't seem to mind that there were bloodcurdling screams in the hallway from other children. She laid in the chair and watched Toy Story 2 while her procedure went on.
MIL brought us back, and I activated her new phone (which took like an hour almost, because Verizon sucks like that) and then she left. I really should have lay down, but I went and sat in the bath to relax, then I started packing my car for softball practice. Also, I had one of my players being dropped off at my house because her mom had other practices and games to be at. She was due to be at my house an hour before practice started, otherwise I probably would have lay down for sure.
My mom called (and this is where it kind of gets funny) and told me that she had bought DQ a gift for her birthday. But then she also went out and got HB and outfit, and LQ some capris. Um, but its DQ's BIRTHDAY. But I guess my mom doesn't get the whole sibling thing. They all don't get stuff when its the other kid's birthday.
We were talking, and she told me that she didnt know if I knew, but my cousin was pregnancy again. This is the one that is 6 months younger than I and was HORRIBLE during my dad's passing. She felt slighted because I got the (very little) attention because I was his daughter. SHE felt like his daughter, because her dad was a POS and so of course my dad took her under his wing. She did everything for him that I would not do.
So anyway - I didn't offer any congratulations. I don't know why - I guess I didn't think of it? It wasn't because I was upset or anything like that. But what struck me as funny is that she used the pregnancy as an excuse to go out and buy a Suburban. She NEEDED it because her family is growing. Um, I am pretty sure your Honda Accord would accommodate two car seats. Obviously she has to learn the difference between need and want. But again, I found it humorous because my family is always full of stuff to laugh at.
Then my mom told me that my aunt ALSO bought a Suburban. Now this is even funnier. Yes - this woman will NEED a Suburban if she wants her whole family to ride in the same car (right now they take 2 cars everywhere) But this is funnier because she can't AFFORD a Suburban. But she had to get one because my mom just bought a new (but used) car, cousin bought a car, cousin's mom bought a car (her car was totaled in an accident one week after my dad died) so she didn't' want to be left out.
My mom is coming up on Saturday to celebrate DQ's birthday and to see a game. I am sure she'll be full of things to tell me since no one really wants to speak to me. NO ONE has called since my dad died. I have 3 cousins who I have talked to - one that is pregnant and we grew up in the same house, her brother, and one other adult cousin. And I have A LOT of cousins. My little cousins baby shower is on May 26th, but I will probably send a gift and not go.
We had softball practice last night. It was SO much fun!!! We finished at 6, and the girls all wanted to stay for more. I told them that if their parents were here, then they had to go. But if not, they could stay. Well, I had one player with me and LQ, plus my team mom had her girl and another player, and my coach had his daughter and his two sons (another coach of mine) So you know what we did? I tossed slow pitches to the adults (we are all on adult teams) and they all hit to the outfield. The kids shagged balls and practiced their fielding skills. Hongo showed off some sliding catches in the outfield. The girls all had a great time, and I had to chase them off the field at 7.
I talked to my team mom about something that has beenbothering me for a couple of days. Wednesday night I talked to my friend who was my team mom last year. Her daughter moved up and is on a different team. She said they hadn't won any games yet and the parents were getting together to talk and discuss plans of action for the manager. They are not happy with him. And to be honest - he's in a wheelchair. How awful is that to tell a wheelchair bound guy he sucks? Those parents have guts.
So when my friend told me that, it kind of got me thinking. We also have lost a lot of games. I wondered if there was anything going on like that for my team. I told the team mom that I thought I was doing the best I could - short of going out there and playing the game for them. I hold extra practices, I take extra time to work on the things they are weak on, I encourage them as much as I can.
She told me she hadn't heard anything, but she didn't think that was going on. She gave me a lot of encouragment and said her daughter (1st year player) already wants to play again next year. I think that as long as I reach my goal of the girls having a fun year, I will be okay. I never said we would win a lot of games, but I thought for sure that would not have been a problem.
We do have a new gameplan in effect - the girls who try hard and are improving will get the coveted infield spots, and the lethargic attitude stricken ones will get the outfield or the bench. Except for one girl - she'll get centerfield because she likes playing out there. I hate to do that, but a lot of the girls are improving rapidly and they should be rewarded.