Someone tell me this will get easier. Actually, I should tell you - the nights are easier. I have Hongo here with me, we talk and he makes me feel better. When I'm alone in the morning, or when the kids are in their rooms, its hard. The picture to the right is me speaking at the service.
I talked to my MIL, she offered to take my old dryer down to my mom. I told her Hongo didn't want to put them out for something that was not their issue, but she brushed me off and told me that my mom was apart of their family too.
Oh, which reminds me - speaking of families, I signed my dad's online guestbook. It is here.
I did that yesterday, and then signed up for notification of any future entries. Well, this morning I got a notice that someone else signed it. It was my aunt. The "poor me, talk-about-his-daughter-behind-her-back " aunt. Ugh. She makes me want to ralph. So if anyone is bored, and doesn't mind sending some condolences, then head on over and sign my dad's guestbook. If there are quite a few entries, I will purchase the book in hardcopy and put it in the box with his funeral stuff. If not, hey - that's cool too.
I'm getting kind of wierd about my dad's ashes. At first, my thought was "I don't want ashes in my house." I'm not going to put a shelf in the dining room and have Dad join us at dinner. So I told my mom she was gonna keep them.
Well, now I kind of realize that having my mom be the guardian of the ashes may not be such a hot idea. She doesn't really have a backbone, and can be bullied easily. What if one of the family members took the ashes? Or worse, what if they open the urn and start dividing them up amongst themselves? Wouldn't that be considered desecration of remains? I'll be really pissed if someone makes my dad into jewelry, you know?
So I don't know what I am going to do with them.
My dad's urn.
Oh, and today I had my meeting with the parents. It appears that puntcuality is not on their top lists of things to strive for. Remember in yesterday's entry when I spoke about Mr "SA"? Well, today I met his wife. He's a cop! I knew it! Only a cop would be such an ass. She's a cop too. We talked for a little bit after everyone else left. I seem to have a few complainers on the team too. Nice. And LegoQueen informed me that there was another girl there that is homeschooled as well. LegoQueen asked her if she had ever been to ParkDay and the little girl said no. Poor child!
I am getting better at dinner. After 10 days of not cooking a thing, I actually got dinner on the table, fully cooked. It was only 1/2 hour late. Oops.
Its taken me forever to write this entry. I keep getting interrupted. I will say that I am looking forward to ParkDay tomorrow. I have to get outside. But if its windy, i'll be an unhappy camper. I hate the wind. So keep your fingers crossed that the wind stays away.
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