The ramblings and confessions of a 30-something Hongo wife, mom of 3, softball fanatic, homeschooler, stretched to the limit volunteer, photographer who just likes to talk - even if no one is listening.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I got it tonight!
I got the call tonight that I got the manager spot for LegoQueen's team. Hongo isn't thrilled, but I am really happy. I got on the treadmill and daydreamed through my short workout.....
I am a happily married to an Hongo, and proud mother to three little pumpkins. Can you tell I like gardening too? *wink* I love photography, and I take my camera everywhere. I enjoy homeschooling my children (that's lots of fun) I have a family life and friendships that are better than anything I ever thought possible, given my background.
Woo Hoo!! You'll make a GREAT manager!!
I guess we'll see you after softball season LOL
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