Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bad Bath...

The only way to effectively combat a bad bath is to have a good bath. Which is filling up right now. Yes, I realize that we are in a drought, and for probably the amount of water I am using in one day for two baths, I could probably shower my entire family numerous times.
But dang-it....I pay the bill, and if I want more water, I will use it. I promise to sit in a long time...until the scorching hotness is long gone and I am again in harmony..
Hongo has clean ears once again. The last time he had them flushed, LQ was a baby. I remember bouncing her on my leg while we waited outside the ENT office.
She's a little too big to bounce on my knee (okay a LOT big) now, and a lot more attitude, and a lot more teen angst. "Does he like me? Does my hair look right? I can't wear those shoes with these pants because it's the full moon!"
Ah, teens...
She will be turning 13 in less than a month. Scary.
Today one of my friends commented that the taller the kids get, that means we're getting older. I wonder what she'll say when our sons turn 13....will she tell them to stop growing so that she doesn't get any older????
Poor Hairy One, he can't afford to stop growing when he turns 12 like I did. That boy needs all the years of growth he can get! He did sprout 3 inches over the holidays - just enough to need new pants because the one I JUST bought were looking like capris.
What a fun weekend though - today we went to a birthday party and they have horses. So all the kids got pony rides. We had to leave before LQ got her turn, so the hostess told me that she would love to have LQ back to ride with her daughter. We'll see...LQ is just getting used to handling a horse, so it might be good for her to try on a different one.
Tomorrow we are playing softball, which I am totally looking forward to. The weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS, so maybe in the morning I will take my soon-to-be teen out and try to get an updated headshot for grandma's wall.
Speaking of the grandma (and papa) they have been unreachable for 1 full day. I tried to call them last night, then this morning, and now its night again. I know I JUST talked to her, but its not like her to not want to know exactly what is going on with her son. Plus they didnt mention that they were going anywhere last night or this weekend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I know. On Friday I called my mom 5 times. She would not pick up her phone. Every time she leaves to MX it takes a year out of my life!