Tuesday, July 29, 2008

3 kids of workers...

in my house.

First there is LegoQueen. She is the worker that hates her job, never gets paid enough, yet dreams of doing the same job somewhere else. As if someone else's dishes come out of the dishwasher more quickly and easily, or someone else's dog's poop smells nicer.
She will never be content and will continually job hop.

Second is DramQueen. She doesn't want to work - she just wants you to give her money because she is cute. She is going to marry a rich guy some day.

Then third is the Hairy One. He will do any job, no matter how lowly, boring, disgusting, fun, etc. He'll do anything and he'll work his butt off doing it. When you ask him how much he's gettin' paid he tells you that he'll take whatever you will give him.
He's a little hustler though. Because when it comes to being paid he always tries to squeeze out a few extra cents. You offer 2 dimes, he counters with "How about 4 nickels and 2 pennies?" 3 dimes? "How about a quarter and 1 nickel and 5 pennies?"
He will either be a thief, a day worker, or some really rich guy who marries someone like DramaQueen.....

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