Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Update on the crazy lady....

What a freak occurence - she was at the park last night when we were there. I saw her, she has her arm in a sling. Gee, I wonder why?
What's even more freaky - the son of the guy she was trying to hit was also there - the girls were playing against each other. He stood behind her at the snack bar and glared at her, lol.

On a slightly sad note, my DramaQueen got sick last night at the game. She spent the night with a high fever and it finally broke today about noon. She is pretty much back to her old self - she is attacking her brother like usual. We are playing it by ear for tomorrow - I will see if she is totally back to normal.


Anonymous said...

Maybe her arm got her when they tried to get her into the straight jacket.

Kim said...

ROFLMAOPMP!!! Yes, probably!