Monday, March 24, 2008


Just letting off steam this morning....(or afternoon)

#1 My brother in law is such an A$$. I don't know how all of us managed to fit in my inlaw's house with his gigantic head floating around. All day I had to hear about what a great cook he is, and how much money he has. Yes, you have money - now when are you going to re-pay the $500 you owe MY family???? Perhaps if you are such a great cook, we should all squeeze ourselves into your 900 sq ft apartment for family gatherings?
We were at the dinner table and his son asked for pepper. So LegoQueen hands him pepper. BIL says " No...he wants the good pepper. He has distinctive taste."
GIVE ME AN F-ING BREAK! He is EIGHT, and the pickiest little brat on the planet.
So BIL got up to get another soda, and when he was gone, his son asked for ketchup to dip his filet mignon in. I said out loud "How distinctive...."
I did not eat the filet mignon - my brother in law the chef insisted on not cooking them all the way through, and I get sick eating pink meat. So I helped myself to ham instead.
I couldn't stand him so much that I opted not to go on the hike with the kids. I sent Hongo instead. Hongo sat on the couch and watched TV the entire time. BIL brought an air rifle and he and FIL were playing with it. FIL was a little sad that both of his sons were not getting along, I think.

#2 - My stupid neighbor's dog kept me up all night. The little bugger is lucky to be alive, and better not step foot in my yard again. EVER.

#3 - My oldest daughter is quite possibly the messiest kid ever. I had to tell her 3 times this morning to take her laundry. Last night I asked her many times to give me her dirty clothes, and this morning I walk into her room and there are dirty clothes all over...

#4 I called to find out how much money my T-Ball team is getting from the sponsor, and its $100. which works out to about $8.33 per kid.What am I going to buy each kid for $8?? I may have to come in with a little cash to supplement it.

On a more positive note....

I got the entire upstairs picked up, dusted, and vacuumed...thanks in part to my little cleaning sidekick - DramaQueen. With her help, I will finish the downstairs this afternoon.

My friend told me she is pregnant again today - I am very happy for her.

Tomorrow I go to register a Friday night co-ed softball team. So now I will play on Fridays and Sundays. Hongo will play Thur. Fr. and Sun.

So life is really pretty good - just can't let the stupid stuff get me down.

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