Its been a long time since I have shared pictures. Today we went out and decided to just have fun. Everyone at the park was looking at us like we were strange. The kids had a good time and I let them play at the playground when we were done.
Afterwards we stopped at a friend's house to drop off something, and we ended up sitting and chatting for over an hour! Finally DramaQueen had to announce that she was STARVING and we really needed to go home right then to eat.
Hongo had to work late, so now our whole schdule is thrown off. Its almost time for bed, but I wanted to put up my pics to share.
Those turned out great!
I love them! The kids are getting so big! I even love it that they are outside with short sleeves on. My kids had on snowsuits here lastnight. :P
Beautiful kids! Bionicle Boy is going to want a picture, for sure!
Yes Your kids are all beautiful.!
Thanks ladies!
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