Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas - the day after...
It was a pretty fabulous day, if I may say so.
Early that morning I woke up with stomach cramps. The kind you get from staying rigid in the fetal position because your in considerate husband shut off the heater and the house is incredibly cold. I would never make it out on the street. I would die.
Anyway, by the time I fell back asleep, I was quickly awoken by the thumping of 3 pairs of feet coming into my room. "Mommy! It's time!" I looked at the clock quickly and told them to all get into my bed - its wasn't time yet and we should all snuggle first.
That bought me 1/2 hour of dozing before the natives started getting restless. Actually, the Hairy One was the only one who fell back asleep. I suspect his sisters dragged him out of bed, lol.
So we go downstairs and I put on some Christmas music. Hongo tells me "I put my CD in #3" I told him that was nice, but I put MY CDs in slots 4 and 5. We listened to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack a LOT so I was sick of it.
The kids opened their presents and really liked them. LegoQueen received the Naruto gloves that she had been begging for, DramaQueen received the Dora Talking House, and the Hairy One got a Star wars set that Hongo swore he would love. They got other stuff too - but those were the things that they really went wacko for.
My In Laws came later and I am SOOOO happy that they bought fewer items and bought more quality presents. Their big gifts to the kids included a bike for LegoQueen, and a battery powered Jeep for the little ones. I snapped a pic of the bike, but the Jeep pictures are on my regular camera.
Those Jeep have certainly come a long way - LegoQueen had one when she was two (nearly 10 years ago), and it was a little red thing with a pretend radio and a storage area under the hood. This one is gigantic - green and silver with running boards, a cup holder, glove compartment, and REAL radio. Sheesh.
The kids received lots of books, toys and games. I was really impressed with how well my in laws did.
After they left, I started the turkey for Christmas dinner. This was my first year making the whole big dinner. Usually we have tamales and enchiladas with rice and beans. Everything came out delicious, and I surprised myself. I will admit - I had ground beef defrosted as a back up plan, lol!
The rest of the evening was spent cleaning up and putting things away. Oh, and Hongo moved the tv BACK upstairs, so once again I have holes in the wall downstairs.
I hope to have some pictures up this week.
Early that morning I woke up with stomach cramps. The kind you get from staying rigid in the fetal position because your in considerate husband shut off the heater and the house is incredibly cold. I would never make it out on the street. I would die.
Anyway, by the time I fell back asleep, I was quickly awoken by the thumping of 3 pairs of feet coming into my room. "Mommy! It's time!" I looked at the clock quickly and told them to all get into my bed - its wasn't time yet and we should all snuggle first.
That bought me 1/2 hour of dozing before the natives started getting restless. Actually, the Hairy One was the only one who fell back asleep. I suspect his sisters dragged him out of bed, lol.
So we go downstairs and I put on some Christmas music. Hongo tells me "I put my CD in #3" I told him that was nice, but I put MY CDs in slots 4 and 5. We listened to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack a LOT so I was sick of it.
The kids opened their presents and really liked them. LegoQueen received the Naruto gloves that she had been begging for, DramaQueen received the Dora Talking House, and the Hairy One got a Star wars set that Hongo swore he would love. They got other stuff too - but those were the things that they really went wacko for.
My In Laws came later and I am SOOOO happy that they bought fewer items and bought more quality presents. Their big gifts to the kids included a bike for LegoQueen, and a battery powered Jeep for the little ones. I snapped a pic of the bike, but the Jeep pictures are on my regular camera.
Those Jeep have certainly come a long way - LegoQueen had one when she was two (nearly 10 years ago), and it was a little red thing with a pretend radio and a storage area under the hood. This one is gigantic - green and silver with running boards, a cup holder, glove compartment, and REAL radio. Sheesh.
The kids received lots of books, toys and games. I was really impressed with how well my in laws did.
After they left, I started the turkey for Christmas dinner. This was my first year making the whole big dinner. Usually we have tamales and enchiladas with rice and beans. Everything came out delicious, and I surprised myself. I will admit - I had ground beef defrosted as a back up plan, lol!
The rest of the evening was spent cleaning up and putting things away. Oh, and Hongo moved the tv BACK upstairs, so once again I have holes in the wall downstairs.
I hope to have some pictures up this week.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
My family is insane...
No children were seriously harmed in the making of this video, however, I think that I am scarred for life. But when our son yells, "Hit me in the face Daddy!" I have to grab the camera. Is this a cry for help? Do we need to abuse our children more than we already do? I say this, because it's kind of funny - today I spanked my son in the grocery store for climbing all over the cart like some kind of crazed animal. He didn't cry, but he settled down after that.
Lately I have been walking around town with a look that could kill. Usually one glance at the two crazed maniacs that I have a death grip on their hands is self explanatory.
I think it is the upcoming holiday - well, at least for the Hairy One. DramaQueen I think is going through an age stage. Today Hairy got up early and I let him play on CLub Penguin for a while (we have had no computer time because we've been living in our car and at other people's houses, and the grocery store) The site was all decked out in Christmas theme, and he was loving it. I even heard him singing Christmas songs to himself while he put away his laundry. Too cute.
I am looking forward to Christmas this year. Even though it seemed to have snuck up on me. I don't have my house decorated too much except for a tree and some snowmen. The lights didn't make it up this year, and the house didn't turn into a winter wonderland, but this year we are safe, healthy, and happy....and that is all that really matters. It's funny how sometimes we forget that amid all the frenzy.
Today our house was filled with laughter and the warmth of good friends and our family. I am so lucky. Oh, and DramaQueen lost her FIRST tooth today. We are excited for her. Too bad it couldn't have been a top tooth though, lol!
I don't know if I'll be able to blog anytime soon, so Merry Christmas to everyone. Yes, even to Miss Frankie and Miss Morgan, I hope you guys have a nice holiday too.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
It's COLD!!!
and I am just slightly irritated because my husband moved the TV downstairs, so now we are stuck in the colder room watching football when I could be upstairs where it is at least 5 degrees warmer.
We got our Christmas tree yesterday in the morning. Then after I got back from a mini playdate with the girls, we went to the mall to get some shirts for Hongo. Then we went to Kohls for sweaters for me, and I could only bring myself to buy one. After all, I am knitting one right now, and I plan to knit more if this one goes well. Why not make one that fits me the way I want it to, instead of getting something off the rack?
I just need to find more time in the day to knit. Actually, I should have more time coming this week.
Anyway, so while we were at the mall, DramaQueen got her ears pierced. She looks soooo cute! She cried though, but she is fine today.
We decorated our tree last night, and we were going to decorate outside, but it is way tooo cold!
*sigh* off to find another sweater to throw on to keep warm....
We got our Christmas tree yesterday in the morning. Then after I got back from a mini playdate with the girls, we went to the mall to get some shirts for Hongo. Then we went to Kohls for sweaters for me, and I could only bring myself to buy one. After all, I am knitting one right now, and I plan to knit more if this one goes well. Why not make one that fits me the way I want it to, instead of getting something off the rack?
I just need to find more time in the day to knit. Actually, I should have more time coming this week.
Anyway, so while we were at the mall, DramaQueen got her ears pierced. She looks soooo cute! She cried though, but she is fine today.
We decorated our tree last night, and we were going to decorate outside, but it is way tooo cold!
*sigh* off to find another sweater to throw on to keep warm....
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Its been a long time since I have shared pictures. Today we went out and decided to just have fun. Everyone at the park was looking at us like we were strange. The kids had a good time and I let them play at the playground when we were done.
Afterwards we stopped at a friend's house to drop off something, and we ended up sitting and chatting for over an hour! Finally DramaQueen had to announce that she was STARVING and we really needed to go home right then to eat.
Hongo had to work late, so now our whole schdule is thrown off. Its almost time for bed, but I wanted to put up my pics to share.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
December 4th, 2007
Ravelry update: There are 3379 people in front of me in line.
Today was a very emotional day...but before I get started, I just want to let my friends know that MOnday night was okay after I left. We worked things out and everything is fine.
This morning started out very busy, and I was very happy after visiting a friend's house. I was literally on Cloud 9 when I left!
I got home and since the house was already cleaned, I took the opportunity to rest ( I was up very late last night) and then I started to make dinner. I got a message from a lady I know who I had made plans with. She said she got my phone message and would email me later. I got a sinking feeling, and lost my appetite. When I got the message, it confirmed what I was thinking. She backed out on me. She said she was really sorry and all, but I was just disappointed. Hongo told me to chin up -not to be so bummed about one dumb lady, but it was really important to me!
So its been about 3 hours now, I am feeling better about it, and tomorrow I probably won;t even care anymore.
Speaking of tomorrow, its Anti-Procrastination Day! And my goal tomorrow is to get the kids CHristmas pictures DONE!
Oh....and my sweater. Its not going so good. It looks too small! My swatch came out fine, so I dont know what is up. I am going to have to measure again before I go any further. Now would be the best time to rip it out and start over..... :(
Today was a very emotional day...but before I get started, I just want to let my friends know that MOnday night was okay after I left. We worked things out and everything is fine.
This morning started out very busy, and I was very happy after visiting a friend's house. I was literally on Cloud 9 when I left!
I got home and since the house was already cleaned, I took the opportunity to rest ( I was up very late last night) and then I started to make dinner. I got a message from a lady I know who I had made plans with. She said she got my phone message and would email me later. I got a sinking feeling, and lost my appetite. When I got the message, it confirmed what I was thinking. She backed out on me. She said she was really sorry and all, but I was just disappointed. Hongo told me to chin up -not to be so bummed about one dumb lady, but it was really important to me!
So its been about 3 hours now, I am feeling better about it, and tomorrow I probably won;t even care anymore.
Speaking of tomorrow, its Anti-Procrastination Day! And my goal tomorrow is to get the kids CHristmas pictures DONE!
Oh....and my sweater. Its not going so good. It looks too small! My swatch came out fine, so I dont know what is up. I am going to have to measure again before I go any further. Now would be the best time to rip it out and start over..... :(
Sunday, December 2, 2007
My Birthday....
I didn't check Ravelry yesterday, but as of today, there are 4573 people in front of me in line. Woooo!
I had a nice birthday. Lots of phone calls and emails to wish me a special day. The only person who did not that I expected would call was my mother. Oh well.
My ILs came over at about 11, and they gave the girls new boots. They didn't have any for the Hairy One, and of all times to care, that was the one time he did. He looked up to my MIL with big eyes and said "Where are my boots grandma?" SO she told him that they would all go out right then and get him some new boots. "Thats okay, I want to stay home with Daddy." LOL!
Speaking of which, Hairy is very clingy and a home-body. He doesn't want to go out anywhere. If one of us is staying home, he wants to stay too. The ILs took the kids to Knotts a couple of weeks ago, and he was ready to go home by noon. Then yesterday at dinner, he kept nudging his head under Hongo's arm so that Hongo would hold him close.
Anyway, they took the kids to the mall and I was specifically not invited. Instead Hongo and I went to Costco and got some things that we needed. We were about to go to the grocery store and then the ILs called and invited us to lunch. After lunch, we came home and I got to open my surprise. It was a black tote bag with photo slots, a tiny sewing repair kit, a needle holder for my knitting needles, and 6 skeins of yarn is the BRIGHTEST colors you have ever seen. Bright pink, teal, and SUNFLOWER YELLOW!
Gotta love kids! I love my bag - I have two projects in it right now.
After the ILs left, I took nap. Having them over wears me out! When I got up, we went to dinner at Red Robins and then went to Michaels. I bought the needles and the yarn for my new project. I didn't get the exact yarn I wanted for the sweater, but I got something suitable.
So my swatch is drying and hopefully I can cast on tonight and do a few rows. I had a very nice birthday, and again, I thank everyone who sent good wishes. You are all awesome!
I had a nice birthday. Lots of phone calls and emails to wish me a special day. The only person who did not that I expected would call was my mother. Oh well.
My ILs came over at about 11, and they gave the girls new boots. They didn't have any for the Hairy One, and of all times to care, that was the one time he did. He looked up to my MIL with big eyes and said "Where are my boots grandma?" SO she told him that they would all go out right then and get him some new boots. "Thats okay, I want to stay home with Daddy." LOL!
Speaking of which, Hairy is very clingy and a home-body. He doesn't want to go out anywhere. If one of us is staying home, he wants to stay too. The ILs took the kids to Knotts a couple of weeks ago, and he was ready to go home by noon. Then yesterday at dinner, he kept nudging his head under Hongo's arm so that Hongo would hold him close.
Anyway, they took the kids to the mall and I was specifically not invited. Instead Hongo and I went to Costco and got some things that we needed. We were about to go to the grocery store and then the ILs called and invited us to lunch. After lunch, we came home and I got to open my surprise. It was a black tote bag with photo slots, a tiny sewing repair kit, a needle holder for my knitting needles, and 6 skeins of yarn is the BRIGHTEST colors you have ever seen. Bright pink, teal, and SUNFLOWER YELLOW!
Gotta love kids! I love my bag - I have two projects in it right now.
After the ILs left, I took nap. Having them over wears me out! When I got up, we went to dinner at Red Robins and then went to Michaels. I bought the needles and the yarn for my new project. I didn't get the exact yarn I wanted for the sweater, but I got something suitable.
So my swatch is drying and hopefully I can cast on tonight and do a few rows. I had a very nice birthday, and again, I thank everyone who sent good wishes. You are all awesome!
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