Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The fires....

I wasn't going to write anything about them until they got closer and affected us, but seeing all the smoke to the south of us just puts me in a gloomy mood.
I talked to my MIL today - Hongo's extended family has been evacuated out of the mountain. His aunt and uncle are at a hotel, and his cousin is staying with his wife's family.
But she also told me that her mother and her husband were also evacuated in Temecula, and that they stayed at a shelter until yesterday afternoon. I know Hongo will be upset that his 80+ year old grandma was in a shelter. If she had called early enough, I could have went and got them and made it back up before the freeway closed. It appears they are out of danger now, since they were able to go back.....but I think about the smoke they are inhaling. It can't be good.
We can see the thick clouds of smoke to the south. No flames, the fire is on the other side of the mountain. But if it spreads to the north, we'll be able to see something.

Today has been an off day - everyone is grumpy and so I've had to separate us so that no one gets hurt, lol. We are all feeling pretty BLAH today. Too bad we still have lots to do, I'd get back in my jammies right now, lol!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Recovering from the weekend....

oooooooh my legs and arms hurt soooo badly!

On Saturday we started on our home improvement project finish up. We had a whole list of stuff to do. We got TWO things off that list done, and Hongo didn't do either of them! I grouted the kitchen countertops (FINALLY) and my FIL hung the nw light fixture. Hongo added his own project - moving the TV back down stairs. UGH. We lugged that stupid thing back downstairs and he spent all afternoon re-drilling holes and rewiring everything. I swear- that TV is not going back upstairs. I will buy a new one before I ever do that again.
We spent all evening trying to put the house back together again.
On Sunday, I tried to finish up all the leftover stuff. Everyone else slept in. I finished putting away the gigantic pile of laundry, only to have to put in another load. *sigh*
We took a break to play softball. First practice, then the game. It was a great game - lots of action and we both did pretty well. Hongo had the game winning hit (a homerun over the fence) and I was on base and the winning run.
We came home and i was tired. But we still went out with our family friends to play another round of softball at the park. We had a good time.
After the park, I made a run to the grocery store for some things I needed to make dinner. After dinner, we all bathed (SEPARATELY!) and retreated to the master bedroom to watch SpongeBob. After we sent the kids to bed, Hongo and I watched Night at the Roxbury and I think I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Today I have barely sat down to relax. Same old morning chores, and then I had to call the city to straighten out a stupid mess, and then they told me I had to go down there!
Since we did not make it to Target or Costco yesterday, I decided we should go today. After we went to City Hall, we went to Costco and saw the "M" family there. I turned down the aisle and there they were! Mr. M must be pretty scary, because my little ones did not utter a peep in his presence. LegoQueen was ultra embarrassed, why I do not know. She better get used to seeing her future father in law, lol! Actually, her behavior was rather embarrassing. When will it end?????
I'm glad we saw them, because Mrs M reminded me that knitting night is tonight! Gaaaaa! I completely forgot!
I was planning on relaxing at home, but maybe I will go hang out there instead.

I need a nap, but there isn't time!

Friday, October 19, 2007

An all around good day!

Lots of stuff to talk about today!

This morning I had a good workout. It could have been better, but it was still really good. I just have to remember to keep up the water intake, because I know I haven't been getting enough lately.
My friend called me today and said she could do my scrapbook album for me today if I brought over the pictures. I did, and I figured she would give me back the finished album on Monday.
We went to Lego Club today. I had talked to LegoQueen last night and then again before we got there about an incident that occurred between her and the boy whose house we were going to. I made it very clear that I did not approve of how she handled the situation and I expected her to apologize.
Things went well while we were there, it looked like everyone played well together. I scored some awesome sock yarn in a rockin color scheme too. When it was time to leave, I told the kids to clean up. The Hairy One tried to weasel out of it by saying he didn't play with anything - I called him a little liar and told him he better clean up. I told Lego Queen to clean up and she ALSO tried to weasel out of it by saying she cleaned up some cards. Her friend threw her under the bus and said she didn't help at all, but covered for her saying that it was okay. I kept asking him if there was anything that he wanted her to clean and he kept saying no. How embarrassing! I was so mad at LegoQueen that I lectured her all the way home about her behavior and how she was going to keep herself from being invited anywhere. Seriously - I was livid!
So, even though I am planning on having LC here at my house this week, it is still up in the air on whether I will bring her to whoever's house it is at next week. Her refusing to help clean up is inexcusable.
On the way home, we stopped at my friend's house to pick up my album. She was done! She did a really good job - she made it nice and clean. Its just my style. Hongo thought it looked nice - he is going to take it to work on Monday to show it around.

Tonight is Family Movie night, hence the reason I am writing my journal so early. The kids are in the shower already, and I just have to load the dishwasher and run it.
This weekend we are going to attempt to finish our home improvement projects since we are getting into the holiday season and that means more people coming in and out of the house. PLus every weekend in Novemeber is booked with something, so this may be our last chance before December!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ugh - she is SO frustrating!

I just asked LegoQueen to go and make herself lunch. She started to whine (she was online) that she was busy "looking for a job" because she was "tired of not having any spending money".

It was a bad thing to say - I am already in a bad mood, so that just set me off. I told her that NO ONE was going to hire her. She's too young to work legally! I also reminded her that her dad gave her a list of chores that he was willing to pay for, and were ANY of those done? NO! She hasn't picked up dog poop, she didn't vacuum the stairs, she hasn't cleaned her sink in her bathroom, and her room still isn't neat!
I also told her that in the real world, if you don't work, you get FIRED - you don't get PAID anyway!!!!

So boo hoo - she doesn't get money for sitting around doing jack squat. Poor freakin kid.
Meanwhile I have spent all morning running errands and doing chores. Her brother and sister have cleaned their rooms already and are playing on the computer.

Now she's stomping all around being dramatic.

Monday, October 15, 2007

My friend's daughter is so pretty....

On Saturday I took some picture for my friend. Her daughter had her First Communion this Spring, and she never had pictures taken in the dress. So they came over and I took a few so that my friend could have them on her wall.
This one was my favorite:

Its not the best picture ever, but I like it.

The crucifix belonged to the child's grandmother, and they wanted it in the picture. I also did some of her in the dress, but they didn't come out as well as I had hoped.
Little sister got some pictures done too:

She is such a little ham!

Anyway, as you can see from my previous post, I said goodbye to a dear friend today. We were in the middle of a fast food restaurant hugging and bawling our eyes out. Her family is moving to Las Vegas tomorrow.
Her oldest daughter was my DramaQueen's first friend. DramaQueen could not communicate well and was painfully shy, but little Amanda never gave up. She hugged and loved on my daughter soooo much and helped to bring her personality out. Then when our paths crossed again years later in cheerleading, there was little Amanda - still with her outgoing and loving personality.
Her son, Jacob was in love with LegoQueen the day he laid eyes on her. He has finally accepted that LQ isn't really interested, and has since prided himself on being a great friend and excellent playmate who gives LQ as much as LQ gives him.
And who can forget little Jessica? She would scream everytime they left, force hugs on my son (who doesn't like being touched by anyone but mama) and always had a hug and kiss waiting for me.
I will miss them sooooo much, but I know we will still see each other in the future. I wish their family the best of luck in their new state, and I hope they make lots of friends and have as much fun with them as we always did together.

I should have some pictures by tomorrow that my friend took of us, and some that LQ took too.

Caryn is enjoying her last day in ca. Look at her in the play tunnel!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

They lost today :(

Doesn't my Hongo look cute? All swinging the bat and hitting homeruns cute!

I don't why, but there is sooooo much drama on his team. There are two guys who are real jerks and think they are all it, but they sucked today. Two guys almost came to blows - one guy is our friend and the other one is one of the jerks.

We had a good time though - I cheered soooo loudly when Hongo hit his homerun!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My computer nerds...

I started this entry thinking solely of my son, but I realize that LegoQueen was just like this (she was younger, though).

A few days ago I got him signed up with Club Penguin. He moved the mouse awkwardly and everytime he made a mistake or a window would pop up he would holler to me that it desperatly needed fixing.
Two days later, he was turning on the computer by himself, opening a browser, picking the site out of the "favorites" tab, signing in, and playing.
He moves the mouse like a pro, and his fingers fly over the arrow keys for the little games. He is constantly spending his coins from the game, because he knows its super easy for him to just earn more by playing some games.

Drama Queen likes to play, but not as much. I still set everything up for her. If she gets stuck, she tells her brother and he comes over to fix it for her.
She reminds me of Hongo, lol.

Everyone is having a good day today. If I could only find the top of my desk, life would be really good.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Looking for booty....

Heh, Heh - how is THAT for a title?

Actually, what I meant was Pirate's Booty. Its some kindo f yummy puffy snack that was served at Friday's Lego Club. My friend told me I could get it at Costco, but when we went, I couldn't find it.
I checked the grocery store too - nothing.
*sigh* My kids really liked the booty.....so I have have put my MIL on the hunt for it and she has been instructed to find it and bring it on Friday when she comes.

Today was Columbus Day, but it was like any other day for us - with the exception of Hongo staying home. So the Hairy One stayed at home while we did our Monday morning visit to the park. Then we came home, had lunch, and then I napped on the couch while Hongo oversaw lessons and cleaned our room. He always does such a good job.

I got up and felt so much better (AF is here) so I decided to clean out the fridge. I only found one science experiment, and all I really had to do was wipe down the shelves and put everything away neatly. It looks so much better in there right now.

This week I HAVE to make the time to shampoo the carpets. They look so bad right now its not even funny. I also have to finish some home improvement stuff because the holidays are fast approaching.

Oh, and yesterday we noticed that one of the brackets on the garage door is broken. Its been noisy for a while, and I guess this is why. I tell you, EVERY TIME I have some extra money, something in the house breaks. Stupid house.

Speaking of houses, the house across the street has gone into foreclosure. I wonder who will buy it and if they plan on living in it.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Just feel like cooking....

So today I have spent A LOT of time in the kitchen.

Yesterday my friend brought snickerdoodles to our weekly meeting. They were sooo good, I got the craving for them and so right now I have the dough chilling in the refrigerator.
Then the day before we were talking about tamales - I think it was the day before, lol. Anyway, today I made the sauce for tamales and once the chicken thaws, I will cook it with the sauce. I don't think I'll get to assemble them tonight, but at least the hard part is done.
I have a yummy and hearty beef lentil and barley soup in the crockpot, and there is BBQ chicken in the oven for dinner.
Tomorrow I am thinking we will have beef stew in bread bowls for dinner. Life is about to get more busy, and so I had better take advantage of this desire to cook so that I have some back-ups for when I don't!

We went to our new Costco this morning - it was so busy! We saw our neighbors there - I was joking with them that we live across the street, yet we never see eat other. I admit, we haven't been home very much, and they both work full-time. We used to see the man in the morning when we would leave for park, but we've been leaving earlier than usual or sleeping in lately.

My mom called today - she was going to go to my cousin's baby shower and while she was out picking a gift, she decided to buy my kids shoes. I thought that was very nice of her. I guess if she wants to spend her hard-earned money, its better that she spend it on her own grandkids. I prefer that she not spend it at all, and save it for a rainy day, but what can I do? We discussed that I saw my one of my cousins at the farmer's market, and that I was planning to visit them soon. Her parents are my god parents, and I would love to see them again.

Which brings me to something that I had been thinking about lately.

Growing up, we never saw very much of my mom's family. When my dad left, we spent the holidays with my mom's sister that very first Thanksgiving and Christmas....but after he reappeared, we never went back. My mom had several cousins in the same town as us, but we rarely went to visit. We always went to visit my dad's family. I was never really attached to any of her family.
So now that I am older and I have dealt with the things my "family" has done to me, I find myself deeply desiring to re-connect with my mom's family. None of them have ever hurt me, none of them do things that I am ashamed of telling, I cannot think of one that is not a decent, respectable person.
My dad's side of the family is not a real family. They don't know how to love each other and stick together. They will talk nicely to each other and then talk nasty behind each others' backs. I understand that families need to vent sometimes, but they do it for hobby. No one can have anything better than the rest - then its considered bragging.
I don't want my kids to experience that. No matter what the differences between my brother in law and I, my kids will NOT hear me bash their uncle. I save that for private discussions with Hongo when BIL has done something stupid again. They know that I get upset with him, but I don't go dragging out his defects over and over again.
So I am really looking forward to seeing my godmother. Hongo wants me to ask her about my Native American heritage and get as much info as possible for our children.

I better get back to cooking.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Watching too muchbaseball on TV....

Last night we were watching the dbacks and the cubs play, and durig the break, there was a commercial playing for Levitra. So LQ says out loud, " Mommy, does Daddy have ED?"

After I picked myself off the floor and Hongo was stifling back a grin, I told her no- that Daddy did not have ED. If he did, I would know for sure.

Then she asked, "What about HIV? Does he have that?" And I told her no.
And Mr. No-Help-Whatsoever is laughing into his pillow, while I am praying that she doesn't ask what those two things are.

She didn't and then went happily along her way.


Speaking of embarrassing things the kids say....

On Tuesday the ILs came and got the kids to take them shopping. I had a whole 4 hours to myself!
Anyway they come back and FIL sits on the couch and he says "You will not believe what your son said in the store today."

Before I go any further, I will say it was MUCH more hilarious to see my FIL tell this story than it will be relaying it here.

They are in the store and MIL and the girls were in the girls section, and FIL and the Hairy One had gone to look at shirts. Apparently Hairy was chatting along about nothing in particular, until he says out loud, "AND DADDY DIDN'T WEAR UNDERWEAR. I SAW HIS UNDERWEAR ON THE COUCH AND HE WENT TO WORK TODAY WITHOUT UNDERWEAR ON."
FIL said that half a dozen people turned around and some old lady looked at Hairy and said "WHAT!?!?!"
All my FIL could say to the people (he was rather flustered) was "I'm not his father."

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Today is all mesed up so far...

One of those days where you want to crawl back in bed and wait for tomorrow.

I woke up this morning with a headache. No surprise, I went to bed early with a headache last night.
I heard the trash truck coming down the street behind me, and I had forgotten to take out the trash cans. I jumped up and grabbed my robe, and put it on. The tail end of it knocked over a bowl that Hongo had set on the the wall and it went crashing downstairs. It was a metal bowl so now there is a dent in it. Popcorn spilled everywhere, and the dog thought it was a gift for him.
At 8 I woke the kids up and told them to start getting ready. At 9 I was still struggling to get them out the door. I drove halfway down the block, and realized I left my deposit at home. Went back and got it, went to the bank.
My inlaws had given me a $250 gift and when I went to deposit it in the ATM, I put it for $25. ARGH!!!!
SO then we went to Target, and I am thinking i forgot something, I just haven't figured it out yet. Then we went to the grocery store, because i had forgotten to get swiss cheese yesterday. After 40 minutes and 40 dollars, I get to the car to realize that I forgot the swiss cheese!
Double ARGH!
So I sent LQ back into the store with some cash to buy it. She came out upset - she was so nervous about being by herself, and remembering to hang on to the money, and getting the right cheese.....she handed all of her money over to the clerk and looked like she couldn't count money at all.
*sigh* I told her not to worry about it, and to thank her and make her feel better, I let her keep the 71 cents that was leftover.
We got home and I had to spent 30 minutes trying to fit everything in the fridge. I bought a lot of meat, so it needs to be separated and repacked for the freezer. Guess what I'll be spending my afternoon doing?
Oh and then Hongo sent me a text to make sure I put the deposit in, and so I had to him how I messed up. He was already frustrated with me anyway, so he's probably even more so now.
The Hairy One is on my last nerve - he is fake crying to annoy his sister and he's getting on my nerves too! DramaQueen is crying again - I have no clue why. The sky must not be the right shade of blue today....